Imagine having the power to inspire, influence, and leave a lasting impact every time you speak to an audience. As an author who wants to speak to groups, everything changes when you have a Signature Talk that you can use repeatedly…

And you can use it repeatedly for every speaking opportunity, including live events, podcasts, interviews, and summit presentations.

Plus, a powerful and purposeful Signature Talk will:
• Highlight your expertise and passion for a topic
• Be a cornerstone in your thought leader branding
• Ensure you impact many lives
• Get you a lot more clients
• And get you booked to speak

When you master your signature talk, it always leads to a bigger impact on your audience… and much higher income potential. That is why every speaker needs a Signature Talk! Let’s go a little deeper and look at the top three common mistakes that can hinder the impact of your Signature Talk.

I like to call the first mistake “Missing the Map.”

Here is why: One of the most common missteps in developing a signature talk is not mapping out the structure before you Here is why: One of the most common missteps in developing a signature talk is not mapping out the structure before you create the content. Every talk should be easy to follow to ensure the audience wants to hear what you say.

Have you ever watched a speaker who sounds like their content is all over the place? And they are really hard to follow? This happens all the time. Many speakers don’t realize that from the time they start their talk all the way to the final words they say, there must be a seamless flow from opening to closing. If not, the audience can get overwhelmed and will eventually disengage.

The next mistake we need to talk about is Missing Their Pain. Often, speakers are challenged in speaking by getting to the heart of their audience’s pain and deeply understanding what they “really” want help with.

Effective signature talks are rooted in being crystal clear on the audience’s biggest challenges and what they need help with most. We are not talking about surface- level pains, such as getting rid of stress, losing weight, and overcoming procrastination. We want to take a deep dive with the audience and really hone in on how their pain shows up in their everyday life, the thoughts they think and the actions they can and cannot take. Any presentation that doesn’t connect with your audience on a personal level and speak to their “real” pain will fall flat.

From the moment you start your talk, you want to help the audience overcome any resistance to your topic and see why your presentation is a “game changer” in their life. With the final mistake, many speakers overlook the importance of presenting in a way that feels like a conversation.

This is why mistake # 3 is called Missing the Conversation.

Many speakers put their Signature talk together and end up “Talking At” the audience the whole time rather than “Speaking With” the audience. An irresistible Signature Talk needs to be conversational so that every person in the audience feels like you are having a one-to-one conversation with them. That is why it is called a “Signature TALK” and not a speech or presentation. It is a “Talk,” aka a conversation. Avoiding these common mistakes is crucial to delivering a signature talk that truly captivates and influences your audience… And gets your audience to implement what they just learned.

Whether you’re speaking to inspire change, educate, motivate, grow your business or all of those, addressing these signature talk mistakes will significantly improve your effectiveness as a speaker.


About the author

AmondaRose Igoe provides Speaker Coaching and Training specializing in Authors, Coaches, Consultants and Service Based Businesses. She provides high-caliber group, and private coaching services focused on Mastering Your Message, Monetizing Your Talk & Masterfully Book Speaking Engagements. AmondaRose has over twenty years of experience as a master trainer, speaker and coach.