Publishing a book without a strong community or a solid fan base is like sending money down the drain. Your target readers must see you as someone with a strong sense of thought leadership and a reliable expert in your chosen niche. You can establish such a reputation by strategically using your content and […]
Month: February 2023
What Is Your Dirty Little Secret? With Gretchen Hydo
We are our very own toughest and harshest critics. We tell ourselves enough lies to forget the value of who we really are. It is time to shut down these self-whispers and step into bigger living. In this episode, Gretchen Hydo, certified mentor coach, mesmerizing keynote speaker, and engaging workshop facilitator, shares her story and […]
Creating A Niche And Promotional Community
Authors need a strong promotional community before they can launch a book. Of course, this helps with growing your notoriety as an author, discovering your niche, and meeting other writers. But going even deeper, such a community helps spread your book’s message and the advocacy you want to spread to the world. Today’s guest […]
Sexy Senior Romance With Eme McAnam
Most sexy romance novels feature a young and attractive woman on the cover, which is totally outside the reality of how one looks. But today, a storyteller and light chaser presents a brand new genre: senior romance. Joining Juliet Clark is Eme McAnam, a trailblazer with a ground-breaking idea she presents through her novel, […]