When you’re looking to make a loan, you have to be able to present a trustworthy front for the lender. This is why improving your fundability has to be a top priority. Merrill Chandler, a personal and business credit pioneer and the Founder of the Credit Sense, sits down with Juliet Clark to talk […]
Month: December 2019
Increase Your Media Visibility With Debbi Dachinger
Writing and publishing your own book starts with having a compelling story and the right people to help you sell your book. In this episode, host Juliet Clark interviews media visibility expert and book-writing coach Debbi Dachinger about how you can make your media more visible or get on other people’s shows. Listen to […]
The Key Ingredients To Effective Marketing With Tracy Hazzard
Writing copy for web pages, landing pages, or marketing messages requires knowing what your audience can relate to and, most importantly, connecting at the right level. In this episode, Juliet Clark interviews brand and product strategist Tracy Hazzard about the secret to marketing the right way and effectively promote your product or service. Getting […]
Jen DeVore Richter: Guiding Female Entrepreneurs To Know Their Numbers
Any new entrepreneurs out there looking for inspiration? Jen DeVore Richter of Boss Women Rock talks about the mistakes she sees new female entrepreneurs make when starting their new business. Based on her years of experience as the Marketing Executive for NASA, Jen breaks down some crucial errors that new female entrepreneurs have to […]