Want Better Business Results? Avoid These 5 Things

We all have the same 24 hours daily, yet some entrepreneurs achieve more and better results. If you’re stuck in a productivity rut, there’s one thing you can do: stop doing what holds you back!

Change can be challenging, especially when breaking well- established habits. However, it is not impossible. Author Tony Robbins suggests that when the “pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change,” transformation becomes achievable.

Here are five common productivity and result killers— and how to avoid them.


#1: Not Having a Plan

Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland, was a modern entrepreneur who wisely said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Isn’t it true? No matter the business or organization, as innovators and entrepreneurs, we can still be easily distracted and lose focus.

The first step is using a growth plan. What do you want to achieve in the next 3-5 years of your business? What actions are needed to achieve those goals?

Break big goals into small, actionable steps – micro- movements – that can be easily completed daily or weekly. Calendar your tasks and stick to them! By scheduling specific days and times for task implementation, you can avoid over- commitment.

Stay focused on the next 12- 18 months! With a narrower time frame, it’s easier to stay on track.


#2: Doing Too Much at Once

Remember when multitasking was a “thing?” Even now, some entrepreneurs believe multitasking is efficient, but it’s not. In fact, a recent study at USC highlighted the pitfalls of multitasking: reduced IQ, low information retention, more mistakes, and brain drain.

Instead of trying to do ten things at once, focus on one thing at a time and give it your full attention for a designated period. You’ll be surprised at how much more productive you are.


#3: Digital Distractions

In our hyper-connected world, it’s easy to get distracted by technology. Resist the urge to check every notification that pings on your phone. Instead, turn off notifications, put your phone away, and focus on the task. This way, you can be more productive and avoid distractions.

Instead, give yourself a pre-set amount of time to indulge in emails, text messages, social media, or whatever you decide, then turn off notifications and close programs for a focused time (Nathaniel Kleitman recommends 90 minutes of focused time.)


#4: Procrastination

We all dread specific tasks, but putting them off makes them worse. Some experts suggest questioning the reasons behind procrastination, but I find it’s an endless cycle that offers no escape. An effective approach begins with “what.” For instance, what part of this project do I want to tackle first? What makes the most sense to address? What would make this project more enjoyable?

Once you conquer that challenging task, you’ll feel an amazing sense of relief and accomplishment, propelling you toward achieving results!

#5: Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a major productivity killer – not to mention a source of burnout and overwhelm.

Instead of striving for perfection, aim for progress. Again, think micro-movement. What matters most is that you’re progressing toward your goal.

Perfectionism is often about the expectations we set for ourselves and others — or the expectations we think our clients have of us. If your perfectionism stems from what you think your clients expect, ask them. Their response might surprise you.


The Last Word

If you want to secure better results, stop doing the things that interrupt your performance. These five productivity killers can hinder business growth, so find the inspiration to overcome them and achieve better results.


About the Author

Jackie Nagel is the Founder of Synnovatia, a strategic business coaching and consultancy firm. She is known for her unwavering commitment to supporting small businesses and her deep interest in science-based performance strategies. Jackie’s approach involves providing personalized strategic coaching tailored to the individual needs of her clients, both on a personal and professional level. Her clients greatly appreciate her keen insights into what it takes to succeed in a constantly changing and increasingly demanding business environment. For more information about Jackie Nagel and the services offered by Synnovatia, you can visit their website at www.synnovatia.com.



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