Author Funnels And A Cool AI Tool

PRP 264 | Author Funnels


If a book author doesn’t know how to promote themselves or market their own work, they will simply be forgotten to oblivion. In this special training episode, Juliet Clark talks about the five author funnels that can tap an engaged audience, establish authority, and build influence, propelling your book to greater heights. Joined by Jared Rosen, she presents a step-by-step campaign progression every author can easily follow and discusses how to infuse authenticity, passion, and purpose into your writing process. Juliet also introduces an incredible AI tool that can help authors design presentations, craft documents, and setup webpages even with little to no digital training.

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Author Funnels And A Cool AI Tool

In this episode, we have training for you and I’ll get to it in a minute. I want to remind you to go over and grab my new book. If you’re an author who wants to know step-by-step how to build an author platform, you can go over to and grab my new book that’ll walk you through the correct way to build a platform that makes sense. For many of you, you take a piece here and there. In the end, it doesn’t all fit together. When you build intentionally in the right way, it all fits together and you begin to see results.

This episode’s guest is the host of the training I did. It’s Jared Rosen. Jared is the Founder of DreamSculpt. As an innovator in digital media publishing, he has published over 50 media-enhanced books for many bestselling authors and filmmakers and has published dozens of books in print. Jared is the author of three books including the groundbreaking book, The Flip. As a thought leader, he is presented in venues ranging from TEDxMalibu to McKinsey & Company in Sydney, Australia in 2000. Jared co-created the Children’s Emotional Literacy Project endorsed by Mayor Richard Riordan and Norman Lear.

This is a training so there are slides. If you want to watch the full training over on our YouTube channel, I would highly recommend it. You’ll get a lot from this episode. In the end, I show you a cool AI tool for presentation. If you’re an author who’s a speaker, you have to go check out this app. In real-time, I create an entire PowerPoint presentation on the author platform building in about two minutes. It is groundbreaking stuff and it’s fun to play with. Here we go.

Before we get on with this incredible episode, there’s so much that Juliet and I were talking about. There are so many new variables here of how you can build an audience. I wanted to mention that I sent everyone a list. Everyone’s got this. We are doing something unique. It’s come out of my thought. Many people doing Facebook Lives are creating their videos. We produce social media book videos.

What we’re offering is a very challenging, young man, Jake, who’s worked with me when he was eighteen. We produced two of these many documentaries. He’s got incredible accolades besides his grandpa, Ed Asner. He has been doing stuff in media for several years. Jake is in LA. How it would work is you cover your costs to fly into Los Angeles. We’re keeping it at a fairly low price for what it is. You’d fly into LA. Get a hotel and a room that you were shooting on. There are a lot of conditions we want to make sure we’re right. Also, locations. We want to go down the beach all shot with professionals, not on iPhone. It’s unedited.

The reason why I’m doing this idea of a mini-doc for two minutes is it’s so much more that you can share and give an experience to. It’s great positioning for other opportunities at conferences and such. Anyone that’s interested, get back to me. In this episode, we have our marketing guru and promotion and technology wizard, because she’s always onto all the latest tools, Juliet Clark, who’s going to take it from here and give you the big picture of how to create that funnel where you can bring people and build a community around your book title.

Thank you. This thing that Jared was talking about, I did sizzle reels back in 2016. I did the same thing. I flew into San Diego. The group did three sizzle reels. It was fantastic because I had real video content to use on my site that shows that I was a speaker. It’s something to consider. In this episode, we’re going to talk about a couple of things like the funnels that you need as an author.

In the end, I’m going to demo an AI program. I’m part of an AI course. I can’t wait to show you because it’s going to be unbelievable how quickly you can create a presentation. A digital footprint is what we’re going to talk about. To sell books, you have to have a digital footprint that attracts and builds readers in advance. This is not like a bookstore thing anymore. Books are sold online and you need a digital presence to drive traffic to your book. What we’re going to talk about is some of these funnels that we do.

Funnels always scare people. You’ve probably seen people out there click funnels and have these big complicated funnels. I’m going to get ageist here and say that most of us in the age group we are in have learned to communicate one-on-one. We’re relationship builders. We’re not like the younger kids who click through an extensive funnel and never talk to someone.

The funnels don’t have to be big complicated deals. They don’t need segmentation. You don’t need a bunch of upsells and downsells until you’re proficient at it. Your goal here is to go from a little funnel to speaking to people and relationship building because that’s the way that most people in our age group are. I hope I’m not offending anybody who’s younger but that’s the way we’ve grown up communicating. We talk to people. We don’t just text and email and we’re done.

The goal of your funnel is not only to build relationships but it’s to get people in your email list. This is important. Everybody out there says, “I don’t open or read email.” Here’s the problem. With everything going on social media, you don’t own your social media. I have seen people lose huge audiences because Mark Zuckerberg decides that he’s going to change an algorithm. Where I saw the biggest was several years ago when he went from everybody congregates on your business page and then decided we needed community so you lost visibility on your business page.

I talked to a lot of people during that timeframe that lost their entire audience because they hadn’t transitioned to their email list. I’m going to tell you a sad story about a good friend of mine. I don’t know how many of you guys remember Myspace but she had 350,000 subscribers to a marketing magazine over on Myspace. She never got those people into her email. She was generating her revenue. With an audience that big, sponsors were paying her to advertise in that newsletter. When Myspace went out of vogue and Facebook came in, she no longer had the reach and lost all of her sponsors.

You have to remember that even though you have to get creative with your list, your list is yours. Nobody can take it away from you. You could say something political accidentally and be deleted. You need to be cognizant about getting people into your list and that’s where a funnel comes in. One of the things that happens when we start building funnels and a lot of times with ads too is that we think, “I built my funnel. Everybody’s going to come.” I want to stress to you that if you hire someone to do an ad campaign, they’re going to tell you the same thing. There is a progression to nurturing people. I call it arc. Other people call it other things. There is a chain of events that needs to happen.

Your first campaign progression is awareness. You can’t build a relationship if someone doesn’t know you’re alive. You’re going to have an awareness campaign. You move into the relationship once people are aware and start communicating with you. You then go into the close. A lot of people think, “I’m going to put up a funnel. Somebody’s going to click and they’re going to buy something big without talking to me.” That doesn’t happen anymore. Jared probably remembers this. In 2013 and 2014, people were spending $2,000 to $2,500. They would click and buy it. A lot of times, they ended up massively disappointed so they just don’t do it anymore.

An author’s campaign progression must start with awareness. You cannot build a relationship with someone who doesn’t even know you are alive. Share on X

The first part of the awareness campaign is where I call you The Invisible Authors. Some people never get past this. You’re like the invisible man. You’re out there working hard but nobody’s paying attention. In this phase, this is where people start to notice you’re producing interesting content and looking at what you’re doing that creates value for other people. You never ever sell in this phase. This is about gathering those followers, whether it’s a LinkedIn newsletter and you’re giving them good content once a week, or a podcast and you’re sending it out to your list and people on social media.

This is where people start to notice and compare you to the other people who do what you do. Most of the time, we don’t get hired because we have great content. We get hired because somebody sees that spark and says, “I like the way that person does business. I like her personality. I’m meshing with what she says.” This is where you have to create, educate, and provide value, in a sense, to bring them in and then keep them in.

There are what I call awareness assets. Inside the funnel, all of the things you have put together are called assets. An awareness asset might be as simple as you have a quiz that draws people in and then you have the next steps for them from there. A quiz will give them feedback when it’s done correctly. There’s something in it for both of you. The person taking it gets an instant gratification hit with results. Hopefully, you’re doing something serious. I hate those kitschy little things like, “You’re a wacky wizard.” That doesn’t tell me anything.

Make it a serious quiz where people find out something about themselves and you find out more about your clients. With a quiz, you’ll start to see patterns develop. When you see those patterns develop, then you can do more of what’s working. It might be an eBook. We’ve done several eBooks with Jared’s clients. It might be as simple as an infographic, where you’re explaining something. It could be a free summit. For our group, it’s a free hour live call on the first Friday of every month.

Jared was supposed to remind me but I’ll say it. For those of you who want to get on podcasts, our free summit on August 4th, 2023 is Alex Sanfilippo, who created PodMatch. He’s going to go over how to use the software and best practices. It’s stuff like that where it’s educational. It might be an audio series or a video series. We did a video series for Alida Morelo. That’s what she did for her clients to bring them in. You have to have that awareness asset that educates and gives people something of value. A secret to that value is if you can provide something, and this is what I love about the quiz, that gives instant gratification results. People love it even more. We have no attention span.

The next is the relationship phase. You’ve connected. It’s time for a meeting of the mind. On our calls on the first of the month, we started noticing that more people are showing up, people that we didn’t know before. We’re trying to find out, “Where did those people hear about us? How are they showing up? What’s in it? What do they want? What would make them show up more?”

What you’re looking for is that phase where you can create marketing that allows for relationship building. It might be that you have podcasts or you do a webinar where you answer questions. Maybe you have a once-a-month call where people can come and mastermind. It’s something that usually begins unpaid, where you’re providing education. I get to talk to you. I get to see Tanya’s face and say, “Tanya, what brought you here?” We then start a conversation. That’s where we transition from that funnel into the relationship.

Some of the relationship assets are live events, live streams, webinars, and anything where you can talk to your audience and they can talk back. It might be a live event where you’re the speaker and you set up mini-consultations afterward. We did a lot of that when I was in CEO Space, where we would be on stage and then have time blocks where people could come and talk to us. We could give them information and sometimes even sell them.

The last part is closing. You only close after the relationships are built. Cold closes are rarely successful. A lot of times, they put off the consumer because you’re asking them to part with money before they trust you. Remember the old vacuum cleaner salesman or encyclopedia salesman that used to show up at your door? I aged myself there. I remember my dad used to say, “No, get off my porch.” It’s grumpy old man stuff but it’s because this stranger was trying to sell him something on his front porch.

Cold closes are rarely successful. A lot of times, they put off the consumer because you're asking them to part with their money before they could trust you. Share on X

The only time you ever open your door for me is when kids are selling candy bars and then it’s like, “Come here. Give me the case.” That’s about the only time I will do a cold close. It’s important though for you to have assets in place for this as well. Have a contract, an intake, and a way to revenue collection and delivery if you can automate all of this to make your life easier. We use our HoneyBook, which has our contract, intake, and revenue collection all in one. It all happens at the same time on the same software.

Now that you know that those are the phases that you’re going to go through, there are five essential assets that every author needs to have. A lot of times, you need to learn how to build these and then have a virtual assistant hand them off. It’s important for you to be very involved in your marketing because you can’t troubleshoot if you don’t know what they’re doing or what the marketing company you’re working with is setting up. We used to run into this a lot when I was consulting for an ad agency. Their clients had no idea what was going on and they didn’t understand why their marketing wasn’t working. It was because they weren’t involved at all.

The five essential assets you need are number one, the selling asset. This is usually a landing page. Your landing page is going to have some information about what are the benefits of what you’re putting out here, even if it’s just a lead magnet. “What are the benefits of this eBook or the quiz?” Have a button so you can get their email to deliver it.

Landing pages, if you don’t know how to build them, have them professionally built the first time. You can get a good idea of what needs to be on it and what kind of copy needs to be on it. I can always tell when you guys write your copy. It’s a rare person that can be a book writer and a copywriter. Copywriting is a specific skill.

The next one is your cart. You have to have a way to get paid. I have PayPal on here. PayPal is easy to create a cart stripe. There are some other ones out there. Either way, you have to have a way to be paid. Make sure that you have a cart someplace that you can put on a landing page if you’re selling something.

The third is your traffic asset and this is the most important thing. I have seen people build funnels and then they don’t know how to generate the traffic to get there. This is how you attract people to your work. Speaking gigs, media, social media, paid ads, JV partnerships, and power partnerships are the ways that you generate traffic. I’ll give you an example.

Attract people to your work and generate traffic through speaking gigs, social media, paid ads, joint ventures, and power partnerships. Share on X

Media Magic is coming up. Shannon has several partners that are also speakers at the event. We are all responsible for marketing. We are driving our audience’s traffic to her site to sign up for it. That’s what you need to do, which way you do it. You can build the funnel but you have to be able to learn how to generate traffic.

Honestly, when we work with people with the author platform, it doesn’t take that much to build the funnel. It’s teaching you how to effectively drive traffic that takes so long. That’s why I said starting here in advance because there’s going to be a lot of trial and error involved in this. It rarely works the first time. You’ll run into glitches. Maybe the messaging needs to be tweaked. You need to start way before your book launch so that your book launch is effective.

Asset delivery. You have to know how you’re going to deliver the content that is your asset. Is it going to be from your YouTube channel? Are you going to put up a video training and market private so they only get the link after they’ve got an email address? Are you going to Rumble? We’ve put things both on YouTube and Rumble. Are you going to deliver it from Dropbox or Google Drive? Will you have some course management software something like Teachable? I use Builderall.

You have to know in advance how you’re going to deliver that piece of content that you are telling people that is valuable and that you want them to grab. There’s a program called Leadpages. Leadpages will deliver the asset for you. I haven’t checked in a while since I used Builderall but it used to be around $600 a year. I don’t know if it’s still that expensive or not.

The fifth is your follow-up assets. My friend Debbie powers up your follow-up. You would be amazed how many people hire her to teach them how to follow up. They hate follow-up. It’s me picking up the phone and saying, “Ray, we talked last week. I gave you that offer. What do you think?” You have to follow up. Is he going to buy it? Is he not going to buy it? You have to pick up the phone and do the work. You have to have a system in place. Do you have a CRM? Do you have a follow-up methodology? How are you going to do that?

Debbie takes it a little far. She told me she calls people every single week until they say yes. I probably, if she did that, would hang up on her because that’s obnoxious. You can do it in a much more subtle way than that and still have a follow-up methodology. That’s where you pick up the people who maybe said no the first time and then they’re ready to come back with a yes. A lot of times, I will get an objection that is money. I can go back and check in with them. I did it with someone whom I talked to in June 2023 who said, “I’ll be ready in July 2023.” I called him and he signed up. It’s a matter of following up and keeping on top of it.

There are five funnels that every author should be thinking about using to make all of this happen. I’m not going to get into the down-and-dirty on everyone because it would be way too much information for you at this point. The first one is self-liquidating. A lot of you should be doing a webinar funnel. If you’re a coach, you should have an application funnel and a lead funnel. All of you, since you have a book, should have a launch funnel.

A self-liquidating funnel is where something you use with low-cost items. I seriously wouldn’t use a self-liquidating funnel for anything over $297 because something usually over that needs a conversation, especially as we see the economy pulling back a little bit and people are hanging onto their money a little bit more.

This can be used with or without what we call a bump or OTO, a One-Time Offer. Linda is on the call. We’re doing this with her book that’s coming out at the end of August 2023. Alicia, who works with her, is setting up a landing page with a place to buy the book. Linda will give them a signed copy and when they get the Thank You page from this, there will be a one-time offer to get a course that Linda has designed, which she’s going to sell at a discounted price. If you’re going to do the one-time offer, the other product, don’t make it a normal price. It’s one time only. You’re never going to get it for this price again.

The second is a webinar funnel. You can do it live or on-demand. To go on-demand, you have to do it live too. This is free training. Usually, you’re going to sell something at the end. You can choose to sell or invite people to a call. There are a lot of things you can do with this but you’re doing a training with some sort of offer at the end. Once you do it live, then you can do what’s called on-demand and build a funnel around it where people can watch it anytime. This is a good one to practice with but also that one-on-one engagement I was talking about to build a relationship. You have to be careful what kind of software you use.

I’m going to tell you a little story here that was pretty funny. I showed up on one of my competitor’s webinars because I wanted to see what they were doing. She is on there going, “I can’t believe there are hundreds of people on here. I’m so grateful.” She forgot to turn her software off. How many people were on there? There were 27 people and we could all see. Immediately, it’s bad credibility. Be careful what software you use for a webinar if you’re going to use a webinar funnel. This is a great way. Kevin is putting his together. He is a part of your group. We’re going to sell his book, End Call. Nothing big. It’s just a way for him to start building relationships around the LGBTQ community.

This third one is an application funnel. This is where you can offer something but you can weed out the people you don’t want. I call those people the broke-ass people a lot of times. If you don’t have an application, they’ll show up for the call and want you to solve a problem. I used to have people show up when I didn’t have an application funnel and they’d want me to tell them how to publish. They didn’t want to pay for it. They just wanted me to tell them how to do it.

If you value your time and you want to weed out who’s a good prospect and who’s not, an application funnel is a great tool to do that. It might look like something like you give away an eBook and you offer an application to talk to you about something. They have to fill it out. You review it and then you look. It’s easy to build one of these if you use something like Jotform or even Google Docs, where I have an application where they fill out the information. One of the things that happened with mine that I filled out on Google Docs is I would ask them, “What’s your budget?” I would get a lot of zeros and they wouldn’t get to talk to me. That’s the way that you protect your time with an application funnel.

The fourth one is a lead funnel. This is one that leads people to book a call with you. We use the quiz a lot for this. I’m not big on booking calls unless I can screen. What I love about a quiz funnel as a lead funnel is I get a lot of information about the person taking the quiz but they get a lot of information about themselves too. If you don’t want to lead it to a call, most of our quizzes, if you are in the high percentage that you want to call, you’ll get our calendar. Otherwise, you’re going to get a free gift as part of it, if you score low on it.

The last one is a launch funnel. This is a sales funnel. You can see we did it for a book here. This is what I was talking about with Linda too. You can also use it as a launch funnel for your book. One of our clients did this very effectively. He did what’s called a free shipping book funnel. You have probably seen them where it says, “You pay shipping. We’ll get you the book for free.”

Unfortunately, the wholesale sell price of books has gone up so much that you don’t see those much anymore. By the time you add shipping on with the inflation that’s happened in the last few years, the cost of books and the cost of shipping has gone up. You could walk in or go to Amazon and buy the book for as much as a free shipping book funnel would cost. You can do what Linda is doing where she is launching. She has the ability to send people over to her site to get a signed copy. She’s got something on the back end that she’s selling too.

You can decide to sell it with a bump or without a bump but you could do this with your books. The difference with something like this is hard to explain sometimes. Linda had me explain it. If books are bought from distributors, you will find yourself if you sell enough books on a bestseller list. If you sell them this way, you may make more money if you can let go of that bestseller ego. This way will get rid of the 55% that the distributors require you to give them.

I hope Linda doesn’t mind. In the case of Linda, I believe that was $13 that she gets to keep in her pocket by doing it this way that would automatically go to an Amazon or a Barnes & Noble. This is a great way to launch your book. Communicate with people because you have them on your list. You have their address and phone numbers. There’s a way to communicate because you’re sending out the book. When people buy the book from the distributor, you have no visibility on who’s purchased it. It depends on what your goal is when you put together your launch funnel.

Want to know more about this? I have a new book coming out. If you want to grab a copy, you can go to This is the exact formula we use in Author Traffic School. It’s so funny. I’m the publisher and my book has not come into Amazon yet. I had to complain about my book to Ingram and Lightning Source, which was kind of like, “What are you doing?”

PRP 264 | Author Funnels
The Author Success Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building and Leveraging Your Platform by Juliet Dillon Clark

If you go over and buy it on Kindle and email me the receipt and your address at, I will ship you an actual softcover copy of the book. It’s our exact formula for building the avatar. I go deep into all of those funnels I talked about with a deep explanation. “How many emails do you need? What are the emails for it? How do you build the funnel?” All of that is in there.

In September 2023, we have the content creation workshop coming up again. We haven’t run it for a while. You know that Sarah’s husband passed away so we haven’t been running it. She is back. It’s $19.99 and 4 group sessions, where we teach you how to build content from your book. You get four one-on-ones. You rotate with Chris, Sarah, and I. We work with you one-on-one, building what we need to build from your particular book.

If you’re interested, go over to and sign up there. I believe it’s going to be on Wednesdays. The dates are over on the landing page. To go with what Jared was talking about in the videos, we have a new bestseller campaign edition. We are doing YouTube shorts. I am doing it in my book. This is the best way to build an audience and get you to YouTube monetization quicker. They are videos that are less than one minute.

To give you an example, we usually have about 100 people who hit our YouTube channel and watch a video from start to finish a month because the videos are so long. Regarding the YouTube shorts, I’ve had them up for 4 days and we’ve already gotten about 350 hits. They’re watching them all the way through. We’re hitting all the metrics that we need.

If I had to attribute this to something why it’s happening, it’s not because I’m popular but it’s because people don’t have attention spans. They’re going right to the video that they need help with. You can see that we have an even amount on all but one. There’s 1 video that people have consumed 80 times. That must be where people need the most help.

I’m going to show you how to use something fun. I’m part of an AI class and we used I put together this tool. Jared and I talked. I said, “I don’t want to show these guys this tool until I learn how to use it.” Ten minutes later, I was proficient at it and I am no tech genius. pretty much designed your presentations, documents, and webpages for you.

Presentation wants to know a topic. Let’s do Build an Author Platform. You put in what you want the presentation to be on and it comes up with an outline for you. Over the outline is exactly what I would teach you. You continue and it’ll give you some templates. Let’s use this icebreaker. You choose a template, continue, and it builds your whole presentation for you. You can go in and make changes.

I worked with Kevin Jones on this. He has a book called Opening the Corporate Closet. When we put his book in here as the title, it spits out a PowerPoint that was exactly what his course is for the LGBT community. It was unbelievable. It wrote My Presentation and it’s pretty. I can’t make PowerPoints that pretty. It does it with handouts. I found it in the AI class. My friend did a handout and then webpages too.

PRP 264 | Author Funnels
Opening The Corporate Closet: Transforming Biases to Gay Advancement in Corporate America

I have had incredible resistance on some level and also incredible curiosity on what’s the best way to integrate whatever AI tools. The easiest one for most of us to access is ChatGPT. It’s a free download from your app store. I started using it. I finished the next book that I’ve written for five years. It took me a little less than a year. I felt like there were areas that needed to be bolstered with more factual knowledge and information. I wrote the book and went through each chapter. It was like, “Whatever that subject was, I knew there’d be more context. There’d be more that I don’t know.”

Asking the right question produced maybe 3 or 4 paragraphs. What I did was copy and paste what I know I’m going to use, maybe 1 or 2 into the manuscript I’m working on. I put it in red ink. When I go through and do a pass-through, I know everything that I’ve used there. This is important from my perspective since we have the conversation. You got to weave it into your writing style. Sometimes this is changing a few words.

I’m seeing the value in it. It’s like, “How can I have AI write a presentation about whatever subject it is?” I truly believe you need to be an expert in that subject or near an expert. For you, Juliet, when you created that presentation or that PowerPoint when you were working with Kevin, I understand the design, the structure of it, how it structured everything and it dropped everything in its place, the graphics and such. The actual topic, did it populate that with its AI information or were there more prompts to get it to congruent with the actual content that you’re wishing?

Kevin was stunned. He sat there and was like, “That is my exact course.” I’ve been working with him for a while. I knew as we went through that it was exactly what he teaches. There is a way you can go back and tweak. You do have to be careful with ChatGPT and Statistics 21. If you’re looking for newer statistics, you might have to go someplace else. I got a book. Someone sent me a book that they wrote with ChatGPT. You could tell they wrote it with ChatGPT. It had no personality whatsoever. You do have to be careful with that sense with it. What it’s good for is titles. It’s amazing for writing copy.

We’ve also used Google. Google has chat. I have an AI class I go to. You are welcome to come to it. If you reach out to me at, I’ll introduce you to the people at Podetize who do it. It’s a half-hour every Tuesday evening. They’ve been using it since 2016 and 2017. They go through and explore. They give us homework like, “Try this. See what this platform does. Go to the other one.”

We go back and forth between platforms, seeing what does what best. Overall, Jasper still does the best job out of all of them because it has more prompts. Jasper is $100 a month versus ChatGPT. I have the paid version of it, which is $20 a month. That, I have the professional version. It’s $20 a month. For making flyers to hand out to people, I don’t think you can beat that.

That’s unbelievable. We’re opening up a whole new can of worms talking about AI but it is true. I want to mention one thing. I did ask ChatGPT, “Do you have a soul?” It said, “No, I don’t have a soul. You have to be a living being to have a soul.” If the entire book is written on ChatGPT, it’s going to be soulless. Juliet, I can tell in five seconds that there’s something missing. It’s so phenomenal for all of this, for creating the kind of content you need in marketing and all of this. That product seems like an incredible investment for $20.

I believe Tracy was in June 2023. She did training and showed how it worked with the artwork. Her mother is an artist. She told ChatGPT to go do the style of art that her mother did. It was funny because her mother has beautiful work and ChatGPT tried to copy it but they did a sucking job on it. It’s too bad that Anne is not on this call because Anne would probably get a kick out of that being a painter.

Use everything judiciously. It’s a great collaborative tool. Everything that you showed about the funnel, Dustin, Raf, and I were talking about that as well. I bet you have a question because this was apropos of our conversation using graphic memes and such. Do you have anything to share?

Juliet, we’ve been listening to these sessions where you’re trying to train us how to be our own media consultants to a certain degree. I’m looking out for our best interest in building funnels and platforms that’ll service hopefully sooner. This was a great recap of some things that you’ve said before but also some great new information.

In particular, the dive down into the way that there are five different kinds of funnels and how they work is useful. AI at the end is a total mic drop. That was so cool. You can have that conversation every week. I will reach out to you because I’m interested in learning a little bit more about the group that you’re doing on Tuesday nights for 30 minutes. It’s very cool.

It’s Tracy Hazzard at Podetize because it’s their group. You can come for free once. If you don’t have a podcast with them, it’s $79 a month. It’s worth it. She hasn’t even presented Gamma yet. I saw the logo because she and I are good friends. I went and found it. I have to tell you, every single client I had that day was probably so annoyed because the first thing I did was, “I got to show you this.” I’m sure they were like, “Can we get to my stuff?” We took the titles of their books and put them in. I don’t think they were annoyed but they were blown away like, “It recapped my book.”

I’m sure Kevin was freaked out. When you build your whole career around trying to amass expertise and then this dumb machine spits it out, that’s a little troubling.

It’s going to help us though because we’re at the phase of his funnel, where we’re putting a webinar together to have him connect. You and Ray, did you guys ever connect with him?

We did.

We’re putting that together. He is going to have a webinar and start masterminding a little bit. That was helpful. When he saw it, he was like, “I’m on the right track here.” It was powerful for him. It’s going to help us build out what he’s doing too with his webinar funnel. What’s the title of your book, Dustin? You guys are doing fiction, right?

It’s an alchemical novel. It’s The Book of Aeon: An Alchemical Novel.

That might be a challenge with a fiction book.

I’m sure you’ll play with it. All these tools are available to play with. It’s going to be mixed and matched for a lot of people 100%.

Does that touch it at all, Dustin?

It gives you all the bullet points that you need to do yourself.

Essentially, it’s useful.

We’ll do that one again and see what it gives us.

The cover of the book looks like an ancient manuscript. It picked up on that one with the book of.

Are these the right characters?


It was spelled wrong too.

Did it spell it wrong or did I?

It won’t matter.

It’s a New York Times bestseller. Who has a non-fiction book?

I do, Linda.

Linda, yours is spiritual. Give me your subtitle.

A Train: Moving from Your Shadow into the Light.

You’re giving it concrete. If you give it an abstract, it doesn’t know what to do sometimes. In other words, if you gave the title, it would start getting into A Trains.

I’m afraid that if I put the A Train, we’re going to get a whole bunch of trains.

Only put concrete information. That’s how it computes.

Look at that. Understanding your shadow self. Let’s do something a little bit more girly for Linda.

I’ve been in pink with this Barbie movie. I’m going crazy. It’s pink everywhere. Have you seen it? The budget for that film must be dollars. Breaking free, reflection, acceptance, the mask, and the mirror are great.

She’s got forgiveness in there and gratitude.

Do you know why all this information is in there? It’s because we’ve all been writing books forever. Where did all this stuff come from? It doesn’t have consciousness. The more we develop content and books, it’s going to give people a mirror of the collective psyche and consciousness. It’s pretty amazing, isn’t it?

It doesn’t have the spirit of my book. It’s soulless.

I was going to send it to you but I’m lost.

The conclusion of this is these tools are phenomenal. This was about the funnel. In the funnel, you need tools and content is important outside of the actual book. That’s the biggest challenge. How does somebody find the book? Everything that’s been shared in this episode is extraordinarily valuable. Juliet, thank you. I know everyone picked up something from this. They may go and download it.

That’s the thing that I didn’t want to leave you with. You create curiosity. Everything in the funnel and the mechanics of it, to me, one thing that works well is curiosity. That’s why the quiz is so powerful. That’s self-reflection. It’s like, “I’m getting some self-reflection.” To conclude, we shared The Book of Aeon: An Alchemical Novel. It’s distinct.

What is the book? It sounds like it’s some scripture or something of great value. When you have it underneath it, in the concrete, what it’s defining is what it’s going to be. You’re going to read a novel that’s somehow going to have some in those people that are into metaphysics. It’s a metaphysical novel. This alchemy is always associated with the metaphysical world. You capture people that have those interests but they don’t know what it is yet. Curiosity didn’t kill the cat. I don’t know which cat but they’re pretty smart. Everybody, get on it. Keep writing your books. Thank you so much, Juliet, for being here.

Thank you.


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About Jared Rosen

PRP 264 | Author FunnelsJared Rosen is the founder Of DreamSculpt. As an innovator in digital media publishing, he has published over 50 media enhanced e-books for many best-selling authors and filmmakers and has published dozens of books in print. Jared is the author of three books including the groundbreaking book The Flip. As a thought leader he has presented in venues ranging from TED X Malibu, to McKinsey and Company, Sydney, Australia. In 2000, Jared co-created the Children’s Emotional Literacy Project endorsed by Mayor Richard Riordan and Norman Lear.


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