All podcasters aim to provide a great show for their audience. Equally important to the production is the kind of people you have on your show. With the industry growing, it can be challenging to cut through the noise to find the perfect guest that will best serve you and your listeners. The same is true when you want to become a guest to promote and share your message. This episode’s guest has created a solution! Alex Sanfilippo, the host of the top-rated podcast called Podcasting Made Simple, created a popular service that matches podcast guests and hosts together for interviews called Podmatch. In this conversation, he joins Juliet Clark to share with us the origin of this brilliant idea, along with great insights about which areas you need to improve to attract the ideal people—from photos to bio and more! So tune in and discover another brilliant tool you can add to your toolbelt as Alex shows podcast guesting made easy!
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Podmatch: Podcast Guesting Made Easy With Alex Sanfilippo
I’m pretty excited about our guest. I have been trying to get him for six months, and he was a guest in 2020. Now, what he talked about in 2020 is up and running. It’s going to be super helpful for you. Before I get started with that, I want to invite you guys to go over to Breakthrough Author Magazine. Grab your free subscription at We have some new contributors in 2023, and I’m super excited about them because they’re going to be helpful for those of you who are authors, coaches, and speakers.
We’ve added Nina Froreip. She has been a producer in New York for some of the top shows on television. She’s our new video marketing expert together with Robin Stift. If you guys participated in the ten-day Author Platform Building Challenge, you’ve already been exposed to them. We’ve also added Jacquie Jordan, the Founder of TVGuestpert. She is our in-house media expert and has gotten a lot of our clients on TV, radio, newspaper articles, and magazine articles. She is truly an expert and was part of the New York Producer Crowd for some of the morning shows there. We have two people with a lot of experience in this industry.
Also, starting in February 2023, Tracy Hazzard has come on full-time. You guys all know Tracy is one of my favorites. I love her as a person. Even though my show is through her, she and I have become great friends over the years. She’s going to be taking on more podcasting as they are expanding their empire from Podetize to a new product called PodLister. They have a lot going on over there to help authors, coaches, and speakers. I’m excited that all three of those guys have decided to come on full-time, and Sarah is back. I’m excited about that too. She’s back in the January 2023 issue.
The second thing we have going on is the biggest thing that happened in 2021. It was authors coming to us that wrote their books and hadn’t built their author avatar. That is who your ideal readers are. I took my marketing research experience from the ad world and the publishing world, and I combined them into a course. It’s called Build Your Author Avatar. You can find it at and it’s $97. I made it easy. If you have an online business or you’re thinking about writing a book, this is where you drill down into the market research you need and the market validation.
We actually had this as the precursor or the pre-homework for the I Love Content class last quarter, and people loved it. They came to the first call and they were like, “I’m a little bit confused now because I thought my audience was this and they weren’t buying and engaged. Now that I’ve redone this, my audience is this instead, and I’m getting more connection and engagement.” I encourage you to go over and check it out. We made it $97 because we want everybody to be able to do the proper market research that so many small companies don’t do.
guest is Alex Sanfilippo. We had him on in 2020. He’s a big podcaster. He does a lot of podcasting events. At that time, he had the idea for PodMatch. PodMatch is a reality now. I use it. I have a lot of my clients that use it. It’s inexpensive but it’s a great way to get yourself booked out on podcasts. Alex Sanfilippo is the host of the top-rated podcast called Podcasting Made Simple. He’s also the Founder of, a software company focused specifically on the podcasting industry. Alex and his team have created popular services like PodMatch, a service that matches podcast guests and hosts together for interviews, and PodcastSOP, a project management tool that helps podcasters keep up with their episode releases.
I hope you will tune in to this interview. Go check out PodMatch. I use it myself. I love it because if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s all these publicity people reaching out to me to sell their people to me, and they’ve never tuned in to my show. They have no idea if their people will be a good fit. I’ve never talked to them. This is a way to be matched with someone whose resume looks like it’d be a good fit for your show and evaluate it and decide. I’m recording this on December 6th, 2022. I picked up somebody who was a good match and reached out to her and hopefully, we will have her on the show in 2023. It’s a great way for you to be in control as a podcast host, but also it’s a great way to reach out if you want to be on podcasts. Stay tuned. Here’s our interview with Alex.
Alex, welcome. You finally had time to do this. I’ve been trying to get you for 3 or 4 months now. I know you’re a busy guy, and I appreciate you being on.
Julie, I am so excited to be here. I am sorry it took me so long. At least I’m here. I have a busy schedule and we made it public to the world. Thank you for having me.
That’s a good thing, being busy, so I love it. You were on the show back in 2020. I believe PodMatch was an idea in your head. You hadn’t executed yet. Can you talk about where you got the idea? How did all this come into play?
It’s funny you mentioned that. Do you know when that episode came out? I want to go back and listen to that again. I was looking for that episode when I was listening to your podcast, but I kept on finding episodes. I was like, “This sounds interesting.” I kept going on these little side quests instead of finding that actual episode. It was sometime in 2020 before PodMatch completely. I don’t think we even talked about it at all, did we?
We didn’t. Back then, I came into awareness because I was coaching with Scott Carson. Scott and Tracy said, “You need to go check this guy out. He’s doing some great stuff.” You were podcasting then. Good for you coming up with finding a need and filling it.
Thanks. I can definitely speak on that point. I’m still a podcaster, by the way. It’s important to share that but I can jump straight into the story if you’d like me to do that. Years ago, when we first met and the last time we did the interview, if you linked to it, I’m going to go back and listen to it for sure. I also wanted to hear how far I’d come to see if I sounded any better or worse now. I fell in love with the industry. I met people like Juliet that have so much experience in their craft. When you meet these people, you’re like, “I can’t believe these people like to talk to me.”
It’s an amazing thing to be in this space. When I was doing that, I was learning how to become an entrepreneur that was service-based or someone that could serve the world. I came from the aerospace industry but I wasn’t an astronaut, skydiver or fighter pilot. I worked behind a computer. We were a parts support company that focused below the atmosphere. It’s as boring as it gets. I love it but I never felt I was making a big difference. Maybe if I drilled down to it, I was. I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur that was directly serving somebody and knowing that there was an impact being made. It didn’t need to be a lot of people. I just wanted to serve somebody.
Anyway, I learned through my own podcast how to be an entrepreneur. Thankfully, that show did well. I was speaking on a lot of podcast stages. One of them, in 2020, I asked a question to anyone who had talked to me that was in podcasting, “What are you struggling with in podcasting?” I heard a lot of things, but the repetitive thing that I heard was, “Alex, I’m having trouble finding ideal guests for my show.” I thought about that. I’m like, “That was my problem when I first got started.” I remember that being my problem. I’m thankful my show landed at the right time and maybe had the right niche, but it took off.
I overcame that problem a lot faster than most people would. That was just luck and timing. I know I did a good job and everything, but at the end of the day, this problem is real. It probably would’ve caused me to stop years ago if I didn’t launch at the right time. Long story short, I came home to the whiteboard and I wasn’t as quick as I thought I was. I thought I’d be able to whip out this brilliant idea. I was baffled by it. There are booking agencies, and I don’t know what to do. There are some resources out there, but I couldn’t seem to figure out the solution I wanted to offer.
One day, this was when the world was shut down basically. I was working out at my house. While I was working out, I had the idea. I ran back inside my whiteboard, which is behind me right now. I wrote it out. What I wrote down was a dating app but for podcast guests and hosts. That was the initial thing I wrote down. I was like, “What does this look like?” I’m running through my thought process. I was like, “Podcast hosts are having trouble finding ideal guests. What’s an industry that does that well?”
Podcast hosts are having trouble finding ideal guests. Share on XAll my friends who were single were like, “Dating apps are how I find girls to go on dates with because we have the same interests and stuff like that.” I’m like, “That’s an industry that’s doing it right,” at least I thought. I’ve been married too long to use one. From what I was told, they were working well. I was like, “Let’s bring this idea to podcasting.” We created, which is software that automatically connects guests and hosts together for podcast interviews based on what the show is looking for and the guest’s expertise. If they align, they match, then an interview can happen. I said a lot right there, Juliet, but that’s exactly what we set out to build. Throughout 2020, that’s what we made happen.
It’s funny because I found you again as PodMatch because I hadn’t heard about it. I was complaining to Tracy Hazzard about I get these emails all day long from PR agencies. I have somebody for your show. I can tell from those emails that these agencies haven’t listened to my show, vetted the guest, and have no idea what we serve up on the show, and who our ideal audience is. I was frustrated.
I have to say that in this journey with it, I can see why you found the niche. As I’ve gone through the journey, I now have a sign-up form. I will vet somebody and have a pre-interview. There are all these things that you learn along the way that I feel your site takes out of my purview. I can go on the site and I had three matches. I chose one of them. She was perfect. Was that your intention? What was your vision for the hosting part of this?
I love hearing you say that. Thank you so much for sharing that. That’s exactly what we set out to do. I’ll share the date of the idea. The day I had the idea and wrote it down on a whiteboard was March 10th, 2020. What you’re talking about now is what we set out to solve. On June 15th, 2020, we launched into an early beta alpha test, whatever you want to call it, with the exact intent of, “Can we help solve the problem of having trouble finding my ideal guest? Can we find it and make it happen?” From there, we expanded upon it. Back then, I didn’t have a logo or anything. It’s super slow, has no logo, and mostly tech space.
One of the first pieces of feedback we got is like, “It definitely works but it’s super ugly.” I was like, “Noted. We’ll work on that. Let’s launch it as soon as we can to see if it solves that problem.” As you said, our goal was to say, “I’m a podcast host. I want a guest that can talk about surfing,” because I live in Jacksonville, Florida near the beach. What you do is you go in there, set the guest you’re looking for, and the system automatically says, “Here’s a professional surfer that’s on the platform. Does that seem like the right fit?” If it’s a yes, you message back and forth. You’ve got all their details. They have a media one sheet built-in, so you have their photos, social media links, and questions ready to be asked.
All these things are built-in. The idea was can we simplify the process for podcast hosts so they don’t have to do all the heavy lifting and try to figure out all the things they can because being a podcast host is a labor of love by interviewing a guest. Unless you’re somebody who’s like, “You seem good. Let’s go,” and they know nothing about it. If you’re going to do any form of research, there’s some work that goes into it. We wanted to basically say, “Let’s get that person in front of each other, but let’s help them do some of the work involved and streamline the parts that can be streamlined.”
Being a podcast host is a labor of love. Share on XOn the other side of it, as a guest, we send our clients over to you guys a lot because they need to build a platform and get out. Unfortunately, most authors wait until their book is done. We are encouraging them. If you’re an expert in writing a book, go get yourself on PodMatch now. Get all your assets in place. This is your media kit for bigger things when you launch. What did you have in mind for the guests when they were guesting there?
First off, if you’re one of those proactive people that’s already typing in the website, make sure you go to That will ensure that you always get the best pricing and option. Juliet Clark is the reason that you’re getting that. Make sure that you go through that link because that’ll make sure that you’re always getting something exclusive. On this side of the mic, we’ve got the hosting side and the guesting side. I love the name of the show, Promote Profit Publish. It’s not publish more than the other things. It starts with promoting and we see that problem all the time.
Authors come in and they’re like, “I launched a book. I want to get on some podcasts now.” It’s like, “You should have started six months ago.” It comes out over time. It’s so important to get on there as early as you can to get those reps in and stuff that. I’m a big proponent of podcast guesting not just when a launch is coming out. It’s part of my ongoing strategy. It’s not like, “Sorry, you have to wait until next time. I have something going on.” I might not do it as much all the time, but I’m always going to make sure I’m doing some form of podcast guesting.
We designed it with the hosts in mind initially, but then we realized authors to be on podcasts. They add a lot of value when they’re on podcasts. We wanted to make sure that we built the platform out in a way that would help them as well. I mentioned earlier that we have their profiles and media one sheet, which has things like their bio they want to host to read, social media links, and questions that they’re always ready to be asked. It has things like ideas for titles and long descriptions about themselves.
All these things I’m mentioning are so important that a host is going to look for them anyway. When you give them this media one sheet, the problem it solves is me getting on with you and you ask me questions about things I don’t want to talk about. It has nothing to do with my book or something like that. We’ve seen that happen. When you don’t use a program like this, the host might go on, “Look at this huge publication that was done five years ago about this guest,” but the guests don’t want to talk about it anymore. They did all the research based on that.
What you’re doing is you’re not taking away the uniqueness of the interview. You’re giving a host the framework of creativity you want them to act within. You control the direction of it with something like a media one sheet. At the very least, even if you don’t use PodMatch, having this media one sheet is a necessity for any podcast guest. Juliet, I don’t know if I answered your question exactly. I went on a little rant. I’m sorry.
You did answer it. I want to go back to what you said about the six months. If you are an expert gathering an audience for a book, being on six months to a year out gets people used to seeing your face on Medium or hearing what you have to say, and giving them the opportunity to follow you on social media to get more value from your content. Being on a podcast is equivalent to your awareness campaign. There are those three stages. The awareness, the book is the nurture and then leading them to those bigger ticket revenue items.
It behooved you to be out there, polished, and even taking some of those podcasts, and putting them on your website in your actual media kit so people get a real sense of, “Is this person right? Will they be a good fit?” You’re doing yourself a favor by getting on something like this, and maybe even getting some feedback from some of those hosts who chose you. I love that you said that the last thing you want to do is get your book out, and then your first interview is after. I don’t know about you, but my first interview sucked. You want to be polished and ready to go when the time is right.
I’m scared of my old interviews Juliet. I don’t know if I was good or bad, but we’re going to keep it at that.
Tracy Hazzard told me early on that their thing is it’s bingeable. Somebody will catch an episode and then they’ll go all the way back to the beginning. As I went along, I was like, “God, help me. Please don’t let them come back.”
You bring up another point here that is worth touching on that people don’t think about. I’ve only heard this happen a couple of times, but I had an author on my podcast. They started going on the podcast after they had released the book. I asked a question and he goes, “Everyone has asked me that question. I wish I had put that in the book.”
If you start going out a year before the book comes out, you may even realize, “Everyone is asking the same question I didn’t touch in the book. Maybe it will be good for me to add that, like do a revision before it even comes out basically.” I remember hearing that. I was like, “That’s too bad. The book is out and everyone’s asking you the same question that you didn’t cover.” You may learn that along the way. That alone is valuable to also get feedback about your book before it’s even out by discussing it.

It definitely is. When I talked about host feedback, I asked Tracy to have somebody on her show. She came back to me and said, “That was the worst author interview I’ve ever had.” She would ask her questions and she’d say, “You have to read the book.” You have to be prepared to talk about what’s in your book and entice people into it. There are all these areas that it does behoove you to get out there and get out there early. We have a media expert that we work with in books, television, and radio.
She has people prepare sound bites. They’re like, “What is a sound bite?” That’s exactly the thing you want to have on a podcast. I love that you’re matching different hosts with different people because you never want to get on and say the same thing. Have a list of questions or get off and say, as you were talking about, “The host didn’t ask me what I wanted them to ask me.” If it’s not in the research materials, they’re not going to ask you. What tips do you have for the guests who, a lot of times, are brand new filling out that media one sheet? Do you have suggestions for them to supercharge them and make them matchable?
It’s probably best that I follow along here. I’m going to pull one up real quick.
Do you want to share?
I don’t need to share. I want to make sure I’m not missing things that are important because when I start talking, I tend to forget little details that matter a lot. The first thing I’d mention that is important and some of the obvious things are to have some approved photos of yourself that can be used. If you have a book, maybe one of them is the cover of your book or one of you holding the book, something like that. Having pictures taken that are professionally done goes a long way. I don’t mean hiring a photographer. If you have the budget for that, go for it, but you can use any modern smartphone at this time. The pictures that it takes are great.
I use an iPhone, but Android has the same feature like portrait mode, where it looks super high quality. Put on something nice and get those pictures taken. I’m finding more and more because of what you mentioned, Juliet. Hosts want to create audiograms, sound bites, and things like that. They want to use a high-quality image. If all you’ve got is a selfie of you in your closet, people might not want to share that as a host. Something that’s helped me a lot is I took some interesting photos where I’m on the right side of the picture.
It’s in landscape mode, and the rest of it is all blank. It looks like an awkward picture, but hosts love filling in an episode title or a link there, so it’s very attractive. The first thing people are going to see are your images. We’re all visual creatures. If you have a few images in your media one sheet, again, I recommend using PodMatch for this because it’s digital and that’s nice. It’s online and you can change it in real-time, but think about your pictures. Get creative with that. That’s the first thing that I want to mention that’s important and easy.
I want to address that for a minute. Are you saying professional casual has a couple of different choices? That’s what we do when we build Author Central. We want you to look professional, but we also want something approachable so that people aren’t scared of you. Would you put a couple of different kinds of photos on there?
Yes, absolutely. You want people to capture your essence. I saw somebody and before I talked to them, I went to their PodMatch profile, and all their pictures are like their arms are crossed and serious. I talked to them and they were the most bubbly and fun people I ever talked to. I was like, “Your photos aren’t on brand. I can tell by your personality. You come across as this big tough guy, but you’re definitely more bubbly, nice, warm, and welcoming, but I did not get that vibe.” Some should be professional, but it also needs to be in line with who you are because people are going to look at your images.
You want people to capture your essence. Share on XI immediately saw this guy and I’m like, “He’s probably going to be pretty tough.” I talked to him, “You’re so nice and friendly.” Have a mix but make sure it does fit your personality. Maybe somebody on a smartphone was taking your pictures that you’re comfortable with. Maybe it’s a photographer that can say, “This is on brand for you.” At the end of the day, keep it simple but have a variety. I love what you said there, Juliet. It’s so important to show yourself and have some professional ones as well.
We did this with a book facing financial fears. There was this financial planner. She is very serious and numbers oriented, but we had ski and hiking pictures in there because she’s also very outdoorsy and approachable. What else is on there?
The next thing that’s important is your bio. A short little clip about you is so important to have. It’s something that’s a few sentences. This is why most podcast hosts, but not all, are going to read this word for word or maybe change it a little bit. One of the biggest problems I see guests make is they make the bio section super long. When you listen to a podcast, it’s three minutes of a host reading about this person. You’re like, “Can we please get to the interview?” As a listener, they will keep skipping, “I don’t care for the last 30 years of your life.” Mine, I updated the text and it’s a single sentence.
It’s a bit of a run-on sentence. It’s long, but it’s one sentence. That is my full bio. It’s important to get it right to say something about you that someone is like, “This is interesting,” but not so much that it’s like, “That’s a lot. I know everything about this person so I don’t need to listen to the interview.” Getting your bio done right is important. Juliet, you know this in books. There’s a bio section. I don’t know if it should be longer or shorter. Do you have any feedback on that before I move on?
When we work with our authors, they have short, medium, and long bio. We use the short on the back of the book, the medium one on the platform uploads, and then the longer on Author Central. I was on another call and I mentioned that in my early podcasting days, I had a guest who sent me a three-page bio. I didn’t research before I had him on, so I’m literally on the air reading it. I got to the end. Of course, everything that pops into my head, I have to say. I said, “That’s today’s show,” because the bio was so long. I had to have it edited out because it was rude. I was like, “Three pages?” He’s a media guy.
I’m glad that you brought up the short, medium, and long because the bio section on something like PodMatch should be the short one. You also have one like mine that says, “About Alex.” That’s where I put the long one or maybe the medium one, depending on how long it is. At the end of the day, if you’re a guest pitching to a podcast host, podcast hosts like to talk. I don’t think they like to read that much necessarily. If they’re going to read, they’re going to read to research so that they do want to grab your book or something, but they don’t necessarily want to read about you too terribly much. Keep that in mind. You love that section as well. The next section I want to bring up is an important one. It’s the Desired Call To Action.
I say desired because not all hosts will mention it, but where do you want listeners to be sent? Toward the end of most podcast episodes, the question will be asked, “Where can listeners find out more about you, or where do you want them to go?” We like to put this on the profile because the host tends to be able to see and get an idea of where the listeners are going to end up. What’s important is making sure it’s a singular call to action. I find that a lot of guests get this wrong. What happens is they say, “I’m on LinkedIn. I’m active there. I was on another podcast, you can check it out. You can email me here, go to my website here, and get my book there.”
The thing is you have to think about the listener. In the majority of cases, when people listen to podcasts, they’re not sitting at their computer waiting for you to drop a gold nugget. They’re driving and they might pause it and do talk to text to save a note for later. They might be at the gym, out for a walk, or cleaning the house. It’s audio so most people are going to consume it in that format when they’re doing something else. If you tell them five things to do, they’re not going to remember any of them. What you want to do is have one singular call to action that’s very simple.
It’s like, “Buy my book. It is titled this. Here it is.” If someone is driving, they’re like, “I heard Juliet talk for a while. I can remember that. I can mentally log that away. I can quickly dry it down or look it up real fast here.” It’s nice to hear a simple domain that redirects. I’m sure you preach this, but if it’s on Amazon, don’t say go to Amazon and search for it. Say, “Go to” It’s something simple that someone who’s driving can say, “I can remember that. I can get there.” That’s my thought on a desire called to action. It’s important to have one singular one and to get that right.

Let’s take Alex as an example. If you send people over to Amazon, and you search Sanfilippo, how many different ways could I butcher that when I’m spelling it? If you don’t have an exact match, you are not going to get there. It’s like online marketing. One-click, that’s all people are going to give you. Have and redirect in there. That is great. Thank you for bringing that up because people aren’t going to go search for you unless you give them, but they will write down something very easy that will lead them there. Alex is a perfect example of that because I couldn’t believe how many times I misspelled your last name
It took me about fifteen years to spell it right for myself. I’m with you on that. It is funny because a lot of people say, “Alex, why don’t you direct people to” I’m like, “If I told you to go there right now, could you spell it?” No one can. You’re always going to get it wrong unless I bought the 30 variations that people use, maybe. It’s better to have something simple and easy to remember. I love that you preach that as well. That’s a great thing to do.
I mentioned this earlier, but it’s great to have your social media links and stuff like that. Have your website link on one of these media one sheet. Everyone can quickly be able to find you if they want to do more exploring. The last thing you want them to do is to say, “Here’s a link to my social media,” and they end up on someone else’s social media that has the same name as you. I had that happen one time. I asked this guy, thankfully, before he started recording. I’m like, “You have this weird book about skateboarding. What is that?” He laughed. He goes, “That’s not me. That’s somebody else.” If you had his social media link on his profile, I would’ve known that I had clicked the wrong person. Make sure you have those links handy.
Something that I mentioned earlier is having some ideas for episode titles/main focus. You want to give the podcasters direction. That’s a great thing to do. I always write these potential titles for episodes because most hosts aren’t going to use them. For example, I talk about podcasting. One of the things that’s on my PodMatch profiles is how to survive and thrive during your first year as a podcaster. That is a great episode title if you clearly understand what I’m going to be talking about. Also, if a host wanted to copy-paste that, they could use that very easily. It’s important to give people the direction of like, “Here are the things I want to talk about.” List out a few of them. I say 3 to 5 is a good thing.
Right along with that, the next thing is to have questions that you’re always ready to answer. One thing I don’t recommend doing as an author is asking, “What made you decide to write the book?” That’s not a very deep question. A better one would be, “What experience in your life led you to decide to write a book like this?” You took a very broad question that can be answered in a few words. They can be like, “I have a lot of experience” to “What is a specific experience?” That’s an interesting question. I always tell people to make the question super involved and detailed. Most hosts are not going to read them word for word, but give them that direction of like, “I’m going to dive into this person’s past because they gave me the freedom to do that by saying I could ask this question.”
It gives you the opportunity to do that. The last thing I’ll mention here is to have any shows or media that you’ve done before. Link to that stuff because if somebody wants to consume something you’ve done previously, you want to give them direction to do that. The interviews go way better if a host listened to a guest on a previous episode because then they can get the cadence of your voice and understand how they’re going to talk with you. That’s everything I would put on a media one sheet personally. PodMatch does do that, but you can easily do this on a PDF or something like that, whatever is going to be easy for somebody to do. I recommend having it at the end of the day however you decide.

When you go sign up for this, have all that prepped and ready to go and you will be in and out of this in five minutes if you know exactly. When I filled mine out, I did right off one sheet and I’m not even sure that I’m available for guesting. I only signed up for the hosting. I may go back and do it because we have some new stuff coming out, but people ask me to podcast all the time. I’m not as proactive as I used to be about seeking them out. It’s mostly because it means I have to wear makeup on days I don’t want to. I try to schedule you all at once so I can go back to the “I work at home and don’t have to dress up” look.
I respect that.
Alex, where do we find you? What are the next steps for people who want to sign up?
Use Juliet’s link because we want to make sure that you always get the best price. That’s In addition to where I would send people is On there, whether you want to be a podcast guest or host or you already are a podcast guest or host, I lay out five quick wins. It should take you less than five minutes to read. There’s no opt-in or anything like that. They’ll help you level up and take your podcast guesting or hosting to the next level.
Thank you. We could all use that. Even we seasoned pros were getting the drag here. Thank you so much for taking the time. I appreciate it.
Thank you so much for having me. I love what you’re doing in this show. It’s an honor to be back. I appreciate it, and I look forward to continuing our friendship and relationship. Thanks, everyone, for checking this out.
Thank you.
Important Links
- Nina Froreip
- TVGuestpert
- Podcasting Made Simple
- Podetize
- PodMatch
- PodcastSOP
About Alex Sanfilippo
Alex Sanfilippo is the host of the top-rated podcast called Podcasting Made Simple. He is also the founder of, a software company focused specifically on the podcasting industry. Alex and his team have created popular services like PodMatch, a service that matches podcast guests and hosts together for interviews, and PodcastSOP, a project management tool that helps podcasters keep up with their episode releases.