Marketing is made up of mainly two things: time and money. You need money to start a business or invest, and you need time to build your business and your audience. You can’t magically come up with a cash machine and become the next Jeff Bezos overnight. However, money and time aren’t all you need; you’re still going to need a marketing strategy. Join your host, Juliet Clark, and special guest, Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO of Virtual Marketing Experts, Jennifer Tamborski, on how to create the perfect marketing plan.
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Create The Perfect Marketing Plan With Jennifer Tamborski
We’re going to have an interesting conversation because my sister from another mister who I met as part of a mentoring program is going to be on. Expect expert sarcasm as part of our program. Before we get started, I want to remind you to go over and take our Promote Profit Publish Quiz and find out if you’re ready to publish. I know a lot of you guys were in lockdown over COVID and you wrote books but you forgot the audience. Who are you going to sell that book to? We’re going to have a little conversation about that. It’s about if you build it, they will come, but not really. Go over, take the quiz, find out if you’re ready to integrate that book into your business, if you’re ready to publish to crickets or publish and sell stuff. Also, go over and subscribe to us on YouTube, Superbrand Publishing. Everybody, there are videos over on YouTube. You can see these people in real life. You can see that Jennifer and I have almost the same background. My guest is Jennifer Tamborski and she is a Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO for the Virtual Marketing Experts, which you guys probably know. I believe that’s Kathy’s group and you’re the CEO.
No. Virtual Marketing Experts is my business. Virtual Assistant Training or Virtual Expert Training is Kathy’s.
There you go. You guys probably saw Kathy. Jennifer also works with Kathy on getting some great marketing out there. Jennifer loves teaching business owners the skills and strategies they need to create, build and grow profitable online businesses. Jennifer and her team of experts work with 6 and 7 figures coaches, consultants and online creators to grow their businesses, remove marketing overwhelm, increase their revenue, and scale their impact.
Welcome, Jennifer.
Thanks for having me, Juliet. I love the fact that you call us sisters from another mister because that was one of the things when you came into Kathy’s group to do a presentation. I was totally down the middle with everything you said I was like, “Yes. That.”
If you’ve ever worked with me, and I know a lot of you haven’t, I am no BS. Quit listening to the noise out there. Quit listening to the people who are telling you how to do things that they’ve never done and never achieved. That’s one of the things we’re going to talk about. I was on the last program with Kathy and Jennifer mentioned something about online programs and I was like, “The cash machine.” Let’s talk about that. For those of you who are coming in and creating courses, and you’re like, “I want the cash machine.” Here’s the deal. You need to find Bigfoot or maybe the Loch Ness Monster. It’s in a locket around their neck. If you can find it, good for you. You found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Jennifer, let’s talk about that.
Just because you build something, it doesn’t mean that anybody’s going to buy it. Share on XThat’s one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to creating courses or even a coaching program. I term it the field of dreams. If they build it, they will come. I’m not Lancaster and I seriously doubt you are either, which means just because you build something, it doesn’t mean that anybody’s going to buy it. You have that marketing and audience in place in order to get purchases.
It’s a fallacy. Those million-dollar gurus out there, the ones that you see on Facebook, I know you’ve seen them standing in front of their jet or the Porsche that they’ve rented for 30 seconds that say, “I’m going to give you my million-dollar strategy. This is what I did to do that.” I’m not discounting them. They may well have made $1 million but what they neglect is the 1.5 year to 5, 10, 20 years depending on who it is that they were building an audience before they made $1 million.
I call that, “See my beautiful house, see my beautiful car, see my beautiful wife, and none of it is real.” Yes, I stole the Talking Heads’ lyrics, but that’s what it is. They rent the Lamborghini for about five minutes. The mansion belongs to somebody else and who knows about the wife. It might be some hooker they found on a street corner who wasn’t on meth that day. They cleaned her up and propped her up. I’m saying. I don’t think it’s a beautiful wife either.
Here’s the reality, don’t think it might all be there. They might own them all and what they’re selling you doesn’t exist. Taking somebody else’s marketing plan and implementing it in your business, that’s not going to be effective because your business isn’t their business. Your audience isn’t their audience.
That is so true. One of the things that happen with books a lot is when people write a book without building an audience. They’ll bring it to me and I’ll say, “Who’s your audience?” It’s like, “Jack Canfield’s audience.” No. Jack Canfield’s audience is his audience. They somehow think that he has built this overnight, not knowing that he shopped that and he built a marketing machine. It took a long time to build that that’s exactly what you’re talking about here. What do people do when they create these courses? A lot of times, they haven’t run betas, they bring them to you and they say, “This is it. Launch it.” What do you do?
We were talking about this a little while ago, but I had a client that came in. They’d never built a course. They didn’t beta test the course. They don’t have an audience. They have a handful of people they coached and they want to move out of one-on-one coaching and do courses. Awesome, fantastic. They launched the course by running ads for two weeks. Sometimes, you get those clients that no matter what you tell them, they’re not going to listen.
We launched the course, we run ads for two weeks, and they didn’t get anybody to show up for the webinar so they didn’t record the webinar, which means that the follow-up sequence where you send out the replay of the webinar didn’t go out because you don’t have a replay to send out. That didn’t go out. They come back and complain that they didn’t sell anything. You didn’t market it. Two weeks is not marketing. You don’t have an audience. You haven’t built an audience yet. You haven’t generated anything and your first webinar, you may not know anything on that first one.
There are people out there that absolutely do. They get on a webinar, they’re awesome, people love them, and they want to buy their thing. It’s whether or not you have the money to invest because marketing is two things. Time or money. You get to choose what you want to do. If you don’t have the money, you have to invest the time it takes to grow the audience, and scale the ads to do all of those things. If you have the money, it takes less time because you can pour money into it. Most people who are looking for that cash machine don’t have the money.
I don’t invest in that thing anymore but when I did put the money into, it wasn’t that effective. I wasn’t getting the ROI that I was looking for. Primarily, it was because I hired a coach who said, “Here are the courses and here’s the funnel,” but she didn’t talk about the audience building, you needed to get all of this out, and working on it for a long time. I found that I sold more courses with speaking than I did with anything else because people got to talk to me about it. Let’s talk about that ad spin for a minute. You and I were talking about this before we jumped on. I’ve had two big influencers in my world tell me that they ran the whole webinar. Some of them did it with automatic webinars and the ads didn’t work. People aren’t clicking anymore.
It can be accurate and without knowing how their ads were run, who their ads were run to, or what their ad said because the reality is ads get clicked on if you have the right message in them. People are going to click on your ads. When they land on your landing page, are they going to convert? I don’t know. It depends on what your landing page says. When they get to your webinar, are they going to convert? I don’t know. It depends on what you say in your webinar. There are steps.
Facebook specifically have gotten more expensive. There’s a whole lot of back-end things that are happening in the ad world itself because of Apple’s iOS update that they haven’t released yet, but they’re still threatening to that is going to make tracking ads more difficult, understanding where that data is coming from, and that stuff. It’s going to make all applications across the board pivot. It’s time to look at what your ads are doing, how they’re working, and what you can do to work around that new update.
With that being said, everybody is on Facebook, and they’re getting exhausted of Facebook, so they’re hopping off to other platforms. It’s a good time to look at those other platforms that your audience may experience. One of my clients, her ideal audience hangs out on Pinterest a lot. I’m like, “Let’s start running ads over there and see what happens. It’s the same amount of money you’re spending but if you get better results at a different platform, now is the time to start looking at all those platforms.”
Everybody has ads available on Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Ads and Snapchat, unless your audience is under 25, don’t worry about Snapchat yet. That being said, in another five years, those 25-year-olds will be 30 and they’ll still be on Snapchat. It’s definitely something to look into but TikTok and all of those applications all have ads. Running ads is effective if done right. That’s the question. Without being able to look at those influencers’ back-ends, I can’t know what they did. There’s no way to know whether or not they were effective.
Both of them have repeatedly run ads, but they switch companies because they didn’t have the show they’ve had in the past. People are getting exhausted and I’m not even on Facebook anymore. I’m done with it. It’s funny and I want to share it with you guys. I took a lesson at GolfTEC and their app is called The GolfTEC Clubhouse. I keep getting Clubhouse and I’m happy now that I’m not on social media. The guy says, “Give me your phone. I’m going to download and I’m going to put you in the Clubhouse.” I’m like, “I don’t want to be in the Clubhouse.” He’s like, “Why not?” I’m like, “I’m happy without social media.” He’s like, “Ma’am, this is where we put your profit.” I was sitting there having a fit about, “I’m not going to the Clubhouse.”
Stop giving your best to people who don’t care and are not interested. Share on XIt’s hysterical. Clubhouse is the newest, latest, greatest social media. Here’s the reality with social media can be a rabbit hole if you’re doing it. If you’re going down that rabbit hole, you’re in charge of your social media, it can definitely be a rabbit hole. Clubhouse is working for a lot of people and not everybody has access to it. Unless all of your audience is on iOS or Apple users, all of those people are not accessing whatever it is you’re putting out on Clubhouse because they’re only for Apple. The funny thing is, all of the other social media platforms like Slack aren’t technically a social media platform, but they’re taking this on too.
Slack, Facebook and Twitter, they’re all looking to open up their own version of Clubhouse. Because they’re bigger monsters, they’re going to go on Android immediately because they have the wherewithal to do that where Clubhouse is growing on Apple slowly so they can sustain their growth. These other bigger companies will be able to launch their competing app and be on Android immediately which means all of those Android users are going to bounce over there.
I know a lot of people are jumping from YouTube. I have a YouTube channel that we’ve been looking into Rumble as well because there’s a big crowd that’s moved over there and they talk about they’re getting more views there. We’re looking at how that works. Why are they getting more views? It’s probably the algorithms because everything is algorithm-driven these days.
The younger the social media platform, the easier the organic traffic is going to be. The older they are, the bigger they are, the more it’s pay to play, and in order to get your YouTube channel up higher or your Facebook page up or even Twitter, all of them are pay to play. They’re about getting your money out of your pocket in order to do that.
Let’s go back to the courses. Course creations are things that are selling for $27 now.
Low ticket micro-offers are selling well now and have been for the past few years. It’s people getting in the doors, buying those micro-offers. They are selling because of the economy the way how many has been in the past few years. People have more time they are selling, even the big-ticket offers. I have clients that are selling $3,000, $4,000 or $5,000 online programs. They’re all selling. It’s a matter of who your audience is and whether or not they’re tired.
Let me define tired for you guys. I’m giving a talk about the difference between JV partners and power partners. I see so many people moving back to the power partner model because the JV affiliate partnership model is exhausting. That’s one of those things where people are learning that a click is not a relationship and list building isn’t working. People aren’t showing up for the webinars. What’s your thought on that?
Webinars are definitely not working. Email lists still work and you get to find a different medium to get them in there. I know quizzes work well. I know there are other abilities that lead magnets that you can use to get people in the door. Here’s the reality. Email marketing is always going to work. It may take more effort for a short period of time, but it’s always going to work because when you get people off of social media, you have more control about what you’re saying, how you’re saying it to them and how you’re interacting with them. It’s important.
That’s so true. Think about it for a minute. Nobody is taking your list away. Social media, we’ve all seen it. If you say the wrong thing or you look the wrong way, you’re going to be deleted, which means you’re going to lose an entire audience. Don’t become reliant upon that. When we talk about the list, we need more segmentation now than we did before because we have to start spending time with those people who are opening, committed to micromanaging that list a little better, making offers to the people who are opening all the time, giving content, and blowing off those other people. What do you think about that?
I totally agree with that and I will also say I go into my list probably quarterly and clean it. People often forget about is cleaning the list. If someone hasn’t opened an email that I’ve sent in the last 3 months to 1 year, what difference does it make if they’re on my list? I know people are like, “I have a list of 40,000 people.” If I do that, I’ll go to half. You have 40,000 people that you’re paying a CRM to host for you and only half of them are interacting with you. Why do you want the other half?
It’s not only that. If you’re trying to get to a USA Wall Street Journal type bestseller list, you better have a solid list that’s opening and know where they read. One of my friends who is a consistent USA Today and became a New York Times bestseller, if you haven’t opened in 30 days, she sends out a thing saying we’re deleting you. She has a list of 20,000 to 25,000 but it squeaky clean, high open rate, and she needs that to get those books up where they need to be. She tells people she’s transparent, “This is why I do it and get off or I will get you off.”
I said it. I had that discussion with a client because I wanted to nurture her email list. She hadn’t nurtured her email list in years. I’m like, “How does this work? You have buyers on here. Let’s get them to that point.” She’s like, “If I send out that many emails, people will unenroll.” I’m like, “So? That means they’re not interested in your spot. Why do you want to keep them?” That’s the point when your list is clean, you know you have your buyers on there. Why are you giving your best to people who don’t care and not interested?
Not only that. That’s where the talk I’m mentioning, the JV model. Let’s build your list. Now you’ve got a list of 10,000 people who got in, but none of them are interested. None of them are opening. They’re list holders. That’s one downside of this whole big JV model. I go to you and say, “Jennifer, will you help promote my latest thing?” How big is your list? That used to be the thing for the longest time is how big is your list, which you all know what I’m equating that with.
It’s 10,000 but nobody mentioned, “Only about 1,000 of those people open.” My list is 800 people, but I have a high open rate. When people ask me, I’ll say, “Take it or leave it, and by the way, I don’t promote other people much because I get paid to promote my best sellers.” I spend my time doing that instead of promoting JVs these days. That is part of the problem. We got into that with joint ventures.
Not only joint ventures but those free giveaways, being on summits, or all of those things where people want speakers. They want quality speakers, which is awesome and if they can be a quality speaker without having a massive list. What you’re saying is you don’t want to be a quality speaker, you want access to their email list. That’s a different thing. When someone correlates me speaking or presenting to the size of my email list, I know what they’re asking for. They’re not asking for me to present on a topic. They want access to my list, which is a whole different thing.
She told you the truth. I don’t participate in many of those anymore with the power partner strategy that I’ve built up. I’m 95% referral now because I have that other strategy. You guys have to be intentional about which way you’re going to go and how you’re going to do this with all of it. Do you have anything you’d like to give us? Do you have a free gift?
I do have a free gift. Because we’re on Juliet’s show, which is all about quizzes, we’ll go with that. I have a quiz on Profitable Scaling. When you’re ready to scale your business to a size 6 to 7 figures and those five elements that are required in order to hit those numbers. It’s That is my Profitable Scaling Quiz. It will help you to define whether or not you have the five elements in place to scale your business to a size 6 and 7 figures.
Thank you so much for your honesty. You guys got that about the list. We went all over the place here.
That’s the awesome part with our conversations.
It goes everywhere. Thank you so much, Jennifer.
Important Links
- Promote Profit Publish Quiz
- Superbrand Publishing – YouTube
- Virtual Marketing Experts
- Jennifer Tamborski – LinkedIn
- The GolfTEC Clubhouse
About Jennifer Tamborski
Jennifer Tamborski is a Digital Marketing Strategist and CEO for Virtual Marketing Experts. Jennifer loves teaching business owners the skills and strategies they need to create, build, and grow profitable online businesses.
Jennifer and her team of experts work with 6 and 7 figure coaches, consultants and online course creators to grow their businesses, remove marketing overwhelm, increase their revenue and scale their impact.
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