Becoming Master Askers With Mark Victor Hansen And Crystal Hansen

PRP 102 | Master Askers


Asking can be difficult for some people because they view the concept as a diminisher of pride. On the contrary, being aligned with success actually means being a master asker. Mark Victor Hansen and Crystal Hansen join Juliet Clark to shed light on how asking can bring the success we so strive for. Mark is best known as the co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and brand. His wife, Crystal, is a business strategist and a successful entrepreneur, speaker, author, and life coach. Listen in as they introduce their new book, Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny, that incorporates the concept of asking as a way to your dreams.

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Becoming Master Askers With Mark Victor Hansen And Crystal Hansen

Our guests are Mark Victor Hansen and his lovely wife, Crystal Hansen. You probably know Mark Victor Hansen because he’s best known as the co-author for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, the brand and setting world records in book sales with over 500 million books sold. He’s a prolific writer of over 307 authored and co-authored books, including The Aladdin Factor, The Power Of Focus, The Richest Kids in America, The Miracles In You, You Have a Book In You, and The One Minute Millionaire series. Crystal Dwyer Hansen is a business strategist, a successful entrepreneur speaker and author in the US and China. Crystal is also known as the celebrity coach and is a certified life coach and wellness nutrition expert whose personal coaching and speaking, CD and video programs, books and articles have helped people all over the world. I am excited to have them here to talk about their new book, Ask!. I listened to the book before having them on the interview. It’s an amazing book. It is one of the things that we are missing most. We look at manifesting, at the things we’re doing in our lives, but what are the roadblocks to asking? What have we been hiding ourselves and how can we change it all? I want you to stay to the end because the two of these guys have an extraordinary offer that you can participate in as well. Here’s the interview.

Thank you for staying with this. I mentioned the bios of the extraordinary people that I have on, Mark Victor Hansen and his wife, Crystal. The book Ask! was one of the first books that I’ve read because I don’t have authors on here even though we’re called Promote Profit Publish. I’m excited about this book because it is relevant for the times we are in. Thank you, guys, for being on.

We’re honored and thankful. We love sharing.

We’re happy to be here, Juliet.

Tell us a little bit about the book. Why did you write this book at this particular time? Why were you drawn to this?

I’ve sold a half-million books with the Chicken Soup for the Soul brand and 309 books I’ve written. Crystal and I traveled through 80 countries around the world. We’ve met great people that are lovely. They’re likable, persuasive, professional, educated and all that, but we looked around and said, “What is it that made our success? What does it make the people that we know super successful?” One thing only did it. They knew how to ask like the title of the book, Ask!: The Bridge From Your Dreams to Your Destiny. They became what we call master askers and they learn how to ask in the dimensionality of ask yourself, ask others, and ask God. It was illuminating to us. We thought, “Let’s go deep on this.” We did the research. We did the science. After we did that, we said, “Let’s ask some of the master askers.” We interviewed 26 superstars and have gotten stellar results. Every one of them said, “If the people learn how to ask, they could do what we’ve done because it’s a formula and it’s a process.” For most people hanging on by their fingernails that need financial destiny, we’re teaching how to get to their financial wealth and financial freedom, whether it’s 6, 7, 8, 9 figures. Whatever they want, they can have if they learn how to ask.

There are many great stories in the book. One of them that I resonated with was the one Crystal was telling about her father. Many of us have this ideal about our parents when we grow up and when we do grow up and we start talking them, we find out the real depth to them. I got that from your story.

That was my best friend, Janet. I was part of that story because it all came out as we were taking this drive to Sedona, Arizona. We talk in the book about the seven roadblocks to asking. Those are unworthiness, naivete, doubts, pattern paralysis, fear, which is being terrified of rejection, uncertainty and disconnection. Disconnection is about being disconnected from the dreams in your heart, which is a sad state. That’s probably one of the saddest when people get on this apathetic state and give up on their potential and their dreams. Back to Janet, that goes to the roadblock of doubt. Even though she grew up in this nice upper middle-class family, she was my best friend. I didn’t realize this about her. We were driving along and my dad had passed at the time.

If people learn how to ask, they can be successful. It’s a formula and a process Share on X

She said, “Your dad was bigger than life. He was an amazing man. I’ll never forget how I used to love sitting in the back of your car driving along and I used to love the way he held your hand. He’d either hold, if Theresa was in the front, my older sister or you. He would reach over and hold your hand.” I was like, “You noticed that?” She goes, “Yes. I used to wish my dad would hold my hand like that.” I was like, “I never realized that your dad wouldn’t hold your hand like that. Did you ever ask him like, ‘Dad, let’s hold hands or something?”’ She goes, “No, I could never ask. I was afraid to ask him for anything.” This whole story unfolded about how she hurt her father. As it turned out, she discovered much about him in his death. He was a POW in World War II. He’d gone through this tremendous trauma and had been shot out of an airplane hanging from a tree.

All of his comrades around him had been shot and killed and he was the one left living. He’d carried the survivor’s guilt his whole life. It blocked him from having a deep connected relationship with his daughters. It wasn’t until the end of his life that they began to talk with each other, understand each other, and open up. That’s why Mark and I say it’s important in this book to look at these seven roadblocks to asking because we ended up where we are. We often don’t realize or understand how we got here. Why we’re afraid to go for what we want. Why we’re afraid to ask for what we want. Why we have many doubts about ourselves and our own worthiness to live the greatest life possible.

When you read these stories, these are beautiful stories. You start to become aware of what your roadblocks might be because we’ve discovered everybody has at least one if not more of these roadblocks. The awareness is huge and then reading someone else’s story becomes a metaphor for your own life. It’s a metaphor or patterns. Our brains think in patterns. It’s a very quick way to be able to understand it and then start to overcome it. I love that story too. I’m glad you brought that up.

Before we get into those seven roadblocks, the other awareness that I had from the book was what you brought up about when we were kids. We had no reticence about asking. I used to work at Mattel Toys and a part of our marketing is kids sitting in front of the TV and asking, “Mom, I need a Barbie.”

All of us, for the most part, get put down when we’re little kids. Little kids have one question more than other and that is, “Why?” Parents don’t know why there’s anything. When I was little, I was more blessed. That’s what we’re talking about asking. I’m nine years old and my parents were Danish immigrants. They owned a little bakery that didn’t make very much money. When you’re selling pies and rolls, you don’t make a lot of money. I wanted this bicycle that hadn’t come to America yet, a racing bicycle. I have a picture of it on the wall. We’re teaching that when you ask, you’ve got to believe and you entrust you’re going to get it. You’ve got to take some action to get it. You get to visualize it to realize it.

I visualize this bicycle every night before I went to sleep. I saw myself riding on it. What I didn’t get at a nine-year-old level is that my dad had no money to buy that. Now, a trek bicycle is $7,000. He wasn’t being negative. He just couldn’t afford it. All of a sudden, I’m reading Boy Scout Life Magazine. It said, “You could sell greeting cards on consignment.” I fell in love with the dictionary. I looked up consignment, which means you’re going to give it to me and I’m going to sell. Pretend we’re back where I was outside of Chicago. The snow is deep and in one month I sold more cards than anyone. I come up to you and say, “I’m earning my own bicycle and I’m selling these Christmas cards. Would you like to buy one box or two?” What would you say?

I would do it. I would think you were such a great little entrepreneur at that age. I’d buy.

I sold 376 boxes of Christmas cards in one month. What it taught me is to be rejection proof. My mother said, “If they say no, it may be that they don’t have the money or they are having a bad day or they don’t have any friends to send cards to.” God bless her for making me rejection proof. This thing about asking, when we interviewed Peter Guber, the world’s greatest movie maker with 50 Academy Awards, he owns the Golden State Warriors and part of the Dodgers. Peter said, “Mark, you’re dyslexic.” I’m not dyslexic at all but he said, “You think no means yes.”

He’s a bold asker. We talk about this in the book. We’re born with this curiosity to know everything and this desire. We want everything. That’s human spirit. There’s nothing bad about that. We are born to desire more. That is called evolution. That’s how we evolve. That’s how we grow. We want more and more as children, but then that gets crushed out of us through parents get tired of hearing it. You go to school and teachers are the authority. You only ask if you’re called upon. You go to work and different jobs shut you down. They’re not open to your suggestions or questions. It’s like do as you’re told. The military is the same thing. Over time through life’s experiences, disappointments, rejection of all kinds, we do get that natural asking ability and desire crushed out of us. It’s important to look at these roadblocks and start to identify it and rekindle that beautiful ability to ask that we were all born with.

PRP 102 | Master Askers
Master Askers: Successful people have gotten to where they are by becoming master askers. They’re asking in the dimensionality of asking themselves, asking others, and asking God.


Thank you for bringing up the seven roadblocks. Would you expand on those a little bit? People are finding an awareness of where they’re at with those if you can tell us a little bit more about them.

The first one is on worthiness. It’s the story about Bob Proctor. He was down and out. He’d been in the Navy and nothing had worked for him. He was earning $4,000 a month as a fireman. He’s $6,000 in debt. He asked himself, “Are these guys I’m hanging out in the bar going anywhere?” He said, “Nope, I’ll never drink again. Who is it that I know if I ask myself that is succeeding? There’s this guy named Ray.” He goes to Ray and said, “I want to do what you do.” Ray said, “What is it do you think I do?” He said, “Let me ask you, how can you be rich, healthy, happy, and well married?” The guy said, “You read this book, Think and Grow Rich. You and I will talk about it and then we’ll ask ourselves, what is it that creates substantial wealth?” Bob looked around and said, “Window washing. I could do that. I’m sure.” He starts doing it and everybody laughed at him at the fire department, but he ended up making $25,000 a month and then he started hiring them.

One day, he crashed and burned. He’s exhausted, passed out on a street in Toronto. The first responders and the police said, “Do you want to go to the hospital?” He said, “No. I’ll go home and rest.” While he’s resting, he’s asked himself, “What’s wrong here? If I can’t wash every window, I won’t wash any windows.” He started hiring the people at the fire department, then hiring the banker to work at night and clean buildings. He ended up making a million a month in Toronto, Montreal, Atlanta, and UK. People started asking Bob, “Tell us, Bob. We don’t get it. How did you get rich?” Since then, he’s been training forever and it is an amazing story because it’s all the pivotal thing of asking he said until we interviewed him for the book. He knew asking was powerful, but he didn’t know that that was the thing that could almost leverage everybody if they just learn the process to where we’ve codified, systematized, and made work.

He also said that growing up in a period he did, he had this epic level of unworthiness. He felt for so long until he was into his adulthood that he wasn’t worthy of anything good in his life. That didn’t change until he got this mentor that Mark’s talking about named Ray. It was Ray who helped him recognize through the questioning process that he had this deep sense of unworthiness that if he didn’t get over that and start to ask for more, ask for what he deserved and start to question his environment like, “Is this getting you anywhere?” “I don’t think so.” “Is this what you want?” At some point, we all need to do that. When we’re feeling unworthy, we don’t like what we’re getting, but we’re still holding ourselves back with this unworthiness. Starting with questions is critical just like Bob did. Is this what you want? Is this where we want to be in ten years? When Ray started asking him those questions, “What do you want? How much money do you want to make? How much do you want to make?” he never thought about it. He’d never asked himself those questions. He said, “When I think about it, asking is exactly what took me out of this horrible state of unworthiness to truly fulfilling my dreams.”

A lot of people at one time or another in their lives get the unworthiness piece. We all feel it and a lot of people don’t ask the questions to even overcome it.

On a podcast with a friend of ours with a big real estate company called 72 Hour and Greg Hagan. He said, “I never understood that unworthiness until I heard that story. What happened is I’m in eighth grade. I’m going to invite the girl next door out. I am scared and my dad is saying, ‘Just ask her.’” At the time he was way overweight. He weighed 200 pounds. Now, he’s a skinny pinball being bold of a person. He said, “I’m so scared. I could not make the phone work and I lie to my dad.” That’s how unworthy I was. He said, “I asked her but she said she was going with somebody else, some football player. I never saw it until I heard Bob’s story.” That’s why we’re saying stories are the metaphor that open up revelation, illumination, understanding and insight, and questions are the key.

That’s why authors are such good storytellers. Many times, you have to have them in your book. Unworthiness is the first roadblock. What is the second one?

The second one is naivete. It is a lack of awareness of what’s available. Maybe you weren’t exposed to it. I tell the story about Imelda, this beautiful Filipino lady who worked for us when my children were very young. She would make all these delicious meals for us. One morning she shows up with this fruit and she cut it up on a plate. She said, “Taste this.” It was this juicy, delicious, orange, frozen fruit. I’d never tasted it before and I said, “What is this?” She said, “It’s a mango.” I go, “This is a mango? How come I’ve never had mango before? I can’t believe it.” I consider myself to be worldly. I’ve traveled all over Europe. I’ve done everything and I go, “Where did you get this?”

I’m expecting her to say, “I had to import it from the Philippines.” She goes, “At the grocery store.” I’m like, “These are in the grocery store? I’ve been walking past this the whole time?” I realized, “What else am I missing because I’m not curious, I’m not aware, I don’t even know to ask for it?” It hasn’t been in experience, in my background. How many amazing people am I missing in my experience? How many opportunities might I be missing? It made me think that this is important to open up to life. Be more curious, look for more things, open up to more people, check out these experiences because you never know when something amazing, juicy or delicious is waiting for you.

Uncertainty is the disconnection between your heart and the dreams you have. Share on X

That’s true and once you see it, once you’re aware of it, you see it everywhere. You’re like, “How did I miss this before?”

It’s magical. That’s one of the roadblocks. We need to get over our naivete, be more curious, and look around more. There’s doubt we talked about. My friend Janet doubted the outcome. This subtle doubt that if she asked her dad for anything, it could come to anything good. It’s always this lingering doubt. That also pervaded into her future relationships with men until she took a look at this because she didn’t ask for what she wanted, what she needed, or what she deserved. That’s an important one. Excuses are just, “No, I don’t need that.” You’re too stubborn or proud to ask for help. “No, I don’t need it. I’m fine. I got this. I got that. I’m too busy. I don’t have time for that.”

It’s the stubborn pride that holds us back from getting assistance that would help us so much. The story we used in that case was Mark’s brother because he was the most stubborn man in the world. Mark dropped him off at the airport one day and said, “Can I help you get to the gate?” “No, I don’t need help.” Thirteen hours later when Bailey is supposed to be home, he calls his niece, “Did dad make it home?” She said, “You didn’t hear? He’s been stuck at the airport for thirteen hours because he couldn’t find the gate. He missed it.”

He blamed me and I drove him. I said, “Do you want me to take you to the gate?” It didn’t dawn on me that he didn’t understand the protocol. This guy has got a photographic memory. He’s exceedingly smart, a good businessman and all that, but it never dawned on me that somebody dragged him through the airport. He’d never learned it. We traveled a quarter-million miles for a lot of years. You’re going to get to where you’ve got to go and you go there fast. I would have walked him to the gate. I had plenty of time. He didn’t ask. He was too stubborn and resistant, “I’m a man.” Sitting in the airport for thirteen hours, on top of having to fly six hours is more than I could bear and I felt bad. I asked him and he didn’t want any help.

Not only did he not ask anybody, he didn’t ask Mark. He didn’t ask anybody else. He didn’t call us. He didn’t ask us to pick him up. As a result of that, when he got home the next day, he was getting a little cold because he’d just been gold digging in Alaska prior to that. It turned into pneumonia probably because of the wear and tear and the stress. We saw that many times in Bailey’s life, how he made excuses to not ask for help. He was too stubborn, too prideful and too proud. It doesn’t help us in our life. You can’t be an island. People were here to be one another’s resources. It’s a great example.

The next one is fear. Some people have this sheer terror and it’s a terror of rejection. That comes back to our need as human beings to be loved. We think if we’re rejected, that means we’re not loved, we’re not lovable. Becoming aware of that and understanding that this is not a personal thing. Rejection isn’t personal. It’s has everything to do with the person you’re asking and nothing to do with you or what you’re asking for. Maybe they’re not ready. Maybe it’s not a good time for them. Whatever it is you’re asking, we can’t personalize those things. We have a great story in the book that I love that we can get to later, but I want to finish these.

The next one is pattern paralysis. We get stuck in a pattern. We need to start questioning our pattern. We’re doing the same thing over and over again. It’s not working and we’re not asking why. We’re not digging deeper. We’re not trying to break out of the pattern. We keep repeating and saying, “This isn’t working, it’s bringing me terrible results. I’m not happy. It’s not taking me in the direction I want to go.” The last one is disconnection and for me, that is truly the saddest one because that is where you have given up on yourself. You’ve disconnected from the trains in your heart and you’ve stopped asking.

That’s sad because each of us has a magnificent potential to do something, to do many amazing things, to make an impact, to experience great joy, great wealth and abundance. All the things we want. There is no limit on what we could have except inside of ourselves. That’s why Mark and I knew we needed to get this Ask! book out. It’s a simple tool we all have inside of us. We just need to reactivate it and get moving in our asking journeys.

PRP 102 | Master Askers
Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny

There is a piece that I want to talk about a little bit in your book. It’s about ask yourself, ask others and ask God. I feel like all of those fit together, but they also fit together with the concept of being open to receiving as well. Can you speak to that?

The polarity is exactly correct. You’ve got to ask and then be open to receiving. When Jack and I wanted to have a book, we didn’t know the right title. The ask God part is we said to each other, “We’ll do it 400 times. We’ll do a thought command.” Before we go to sleep we’ll say, “Mega bestselling title, mega bestselling title, mega bestselling title.” At 2:30 in the morning, Jack calls up and wakes up everybody in the house. This is when phones were tethered. I answered and Jack says, “Chicken Soup For The Soul.” We knew we had it and we still went out to ask and we got 144 rejections because they didn’t understand what Jack and I understood that stories were the key.

We’d asked everybody for their best heartfelt soul touching story and we got them. They said, “Nobody buys short stories,” or “We read them out for whatever publisher.” We’re like, “You are my publishers.” They missed it by 500 million. It’s amazing that we had perseverance that if somebody is going to reject you, what you’ve got to do is reject rejection with a clean word next. Just say next. First of all, we’d asked ourselves, “Could we have a best seller?” We then asked everybody else. It’s better that I asked Crystal to tell this great story about our friend, Charlie.

Charlie Green, asking others. You start to ask yourself, ask others, and ask God. Each one of those is equally important and it’s a different aspect of asking, but to become a master asker, you need to understand all three. The asking yourself part is the reflective part. It’s getting clear with yourself and it’s saying, “Where am I right now? Where do I want to be? What are my action steps to getting there?” You need to spend that reflective time with yourself. Under all each of those categories, there are many subcategories of questions that you need to start asking yourself. Then when you get clarity, you need to put it in action and that means asking others. We are each other’s greatest resource. We need to be interacting with each other and asking things. The other side of that is people like to fulfill one another’s request. We have a section of the book called Be a Grantor of Wishes. That’s part of the asking circle. With the research we did, we found out that most people are afraid to ask and they’re hesitant to ask. They’re scared to ask so they don’t do it.

Going into the study, the people surveyed said that they were afraid of being perceived as either being pushy, more demanding or if they were asking for information, advice, whatever, that they would be perceived as being ignorant, stupid, and not knowing enough. All of those things are completely wrong. The studies show that if you ask, you are 80% more likely to have your request granted, to have your wish fulfilled, but you have to ask. You need to get over it. Other studies showed that if you’re a good asker, you’re more likable. Either a business setting or even in a dating setting. People who are more curious about things, who ask more questions, who are willing to be vulnerable and say, “I don’t know the answer to this. Do you know this? What is this? What is the best way to do that? Can you help me understand this?” You become a more likable person. Contrary to what people thought going in that you’re going to appear to be stupid. No, you’re a human being and this is how human beings connect and become a resource to each other. It’s incredibly important to do all three.

The ask God part is about putting yourself in the larger universal perspective. What is my greater purpose here? What am I doing? How do what I want fit into a larger context? We’re all part of this big universal connected web of cloth of people. We’re all threads of this cloth. What is our part? Everyone’s part is important. When you put your requests in that perspective, you get a more meaningful understanding of what you’re here to do on this earth.

I have a book coming out called Pitch-Slapped. It’s about how we’re asking in business relationships. Are we building relationships first? This is a good part of that because many of us are out there pitching ourselves without building a relationship, without getting to know people, without asking questions about who they are. What do they do? What is their purpose? I know in your book, you talked a little bit about how you ask, having your ask together in a way that you can manifest it and others can grant your wish in an easier way. Can you talk about that a little?

I want to go back to the story I thought she was going to do on our friend, Charlie Green. One of my marketplaces is churches and I was doing a big mega church in the Midwest. There were thousands of people there. They said an exemplary talk and at the end I said, “All these people are turning us down, but here is a manuscript and it’s called Chicken Soup for the Soul. I’m going to boldly ask if you’ll forgive me, everybody, but what I like to do is Jack and I want to have you pray with us and see that we’re going to sell a million copies of this book. It’s not out yet. We haven’t got a publisher yet, but on your little chair, there’s a little coupon. If you fill it out, we will not process your credit card until the book comes out.”

Charlie Green says, “The audience were in awe. They’ve got such value out of your talk. You wrote it and put it in a book.” He said, “At the end, we couldn’t even believe it.” We said, “Don’t take this out of the tithes. Take it as an extra thing.” It’s a rich church in Overland Park. That’s one of the richest place in Kansas. It was wonderful. We had a great day. When our publisher said you had to sell 20,000 at $6 each before we started, we already had 5,000 just from this one church, because I ask boldly. At some levels, it took a lot of courage. As what Crystal said, you’ve got to have the courage to step on your fear, because it is not normal to ask a whole church audience to come and buy your book before it’s out. Even though it’s only a manuscript and nobody has accepted that except you.

Through our life experiences, disappointments, and rejection, we lose our natural asking ability and desire. Share on X

To your point exactly, Juliet, about the book you’re writing, Pitch-Slapped. That’s providing value and that’s what Mark did. That’s the important thing to remember. Charlie said, “It was almost remarkable to watch everybody fill that out and order a book that didn’t exist and put their credit card down. Mark had delivered much value in his speech. He had given so much to us. We all felt inspired and uplifted. For him to ask at that point, we’re like, ‘Let’s do this.’” That’s what we call the value. You have to give as much value in the science of getting rich, as you were asking for in capital return. You can’t just say, “Here I am, here’s what I want. Buy this.” It just doesn’t work. It’s not a balanced relationship. It won’t happen.

I love that story because think of the faith in that church that day. They gave me value and $6 isn’t much nowadays but back when you guys did it, it is. I have faith that I’m going to spend this money and I’m going to get more of that value without you even having it there for them to look at.

With your permission, I’d like to do a bold ask on this show. Ladies and gentlemen, I want you to get her book, but I also want you to get a copy of Ask!: The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny. Because by and large bookstores are not open, although that breaks my heart, I ask you to go to Amazon, buy the book and send us the receipt at We want to invite you when you send that receipt in to be part of what we are believing is going to be the world’s biggest book club. You said right before we went into this question to have faith and the Apostle Paul says, “Faith is substance of things hoped for, evidence of things not seen.” We have faith that we’re going to be able to have a group that becomes master askers. We’re going to be able to help everybody fulfill their destiny, fulfill their potential, exercise opportunities, and take adversity and turn it into advantage.

We’ll send you an invitation to the book club because we want to keep supporting people. This is going to be a free open chat room so we can discuss the principles of the book. We want people to stay excited about it, to keep moving along on their asking journey, and for this to be a huge life-changer for absolutely everyone.

We believe to be successful as a human being. You’ve got to be unique. Everybody is and they don’t even know it. They’ve got a unique fingerprint, but a more important mind print. The only way to get to your mind print is ask. We think it’s got to be transformational and we don’t know anything. Like Crystal said, that causes more growth, more progress, more evolution, and the ability to ask. It is inevitable that if you learn this process, your success, your health, your happiness, your recognition, your wealth will grow and expand. We’ve seen it again and again. We want to facilitate more people learning the process and mastering asking.

Thanks so much for being on. This is helpful. I highly recommend the book. It is amazing and I got a lot of awareness out of it and a lot of good stuff.

Thank you. We’re so happy to be here.

Thank you. It’s great to be in the show.


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About Mark Victor Hansen

PRP 102 | Master AskersMark Victor Hansen is probably best known as the co-author for the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series and brand, setting world records in book sales, with over 500 million books sold. He is also a prolific writer with 307 books authored or co-authored, including The Aladdin Factor, The Power of Focus, The Richest Kids in America, The Miracles in You, You Have a Book in You, and the One Minute Millionaire series.



About Crystal Dwyer Hansen

PRP 102 | Master AskersCrystal Dwyer Hansen is an international speaker, researcher, corporate consultant, author, and entrepreneur. Her expertise is in the field of human potential. Through her years spent as a Transformational Life Coach, and Wellness/Nutrition Expert, she has seen people experience profound and lasting transformation in relationships, career, health & wellness, by tapping into their own inner resources. Having personally guided people from seemingly impossible states of depression, anxiety, and hopelessness—to triumph, freedom, and happiness, is what drives Crystal’s conviction that all people have unlimited potential for greatness if they only understand how to access those resources.
Crystal’s research in the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics provides the scientific knowledge she uses to help people use their minds proactively and evolve their consciousness to move themselves out of misery and into a fulfilled and happy life.
Crystal’s personal coaching, speaking, CD and video programs, books, and articles have helped people all over the world. She is a Member of the International Coaching Federation, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, the founder of Crystal Vision Life, Ltd, ( and Skinny Life™ a wellness company ( Her book Skinny Life- The Secret to Being Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit, is available Barnes & and She travels the world with her husband, best-selling author and entrepreneur Mark Victor Hansen, speaking, inspiring, and teaching leadership. Crystal and Mark are releasing a new co-written book called ASK! The Bridge from Your Dreams to Your Destiny in Spring of 2020. They are both passionate about the health of our planet and the need to create comprehensively sustainable energy and water solutions. Together they are owners of Natural Power Concepts, a Hawaii based company focused on cleaning up the planet through natural energy devices. They live happily in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona.


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Building platforms is one of our strengths! Over 100,000 new books are published every month and you need to stand out. The best way to stand out is to build your platform and bring your own audience to the table for your book and high- ticket programs. 

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Breakthrough Author Magazine is your guide to building influence!

The Author Success Handbook

Do you want readers? That's why you need an author platform. Most new authors assume that if they write it, readers will purchase. Nothing could be further from the truth. Platform building starts early, even before the book writing begins. A platform build is not an overnight, instant gratification proposition, but it is a skill that you can learn. This step-by-step guide will help you do just that.