Marketing Strategies For Your Notes Business With Scott Carson

PRP 60 | Marketing Strategies For Notes


How can you connect with your target audience better? Scott Carson answers this important question and shares some marketing strategies for your note business in today’s episode. Scott is the host of the popular Note Closers Show Podcast and the CEO of With his focus on the niche of distressed mortgages and notes, he shares how he goes about helping people borrowers get their homes back. Having learned firsthand what people want to get out of your interaction with them from being a keynote speaker and podcast host, he shares his tactics on how to connect with your clients or audience and shares what makes his marketing unique that separates him from his peers.

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Marketing Strategies For Your Notes Business With Scott Carson

I’m super excited about my guest and I have a surprise to spring on him. I don’t do this very often. In fact, I’ve never done it. Before we get started, I want to invite you to go over and take our Promote Profit Published Quiz at Find out where your platform building skills are. Are you getting the results that you set out to do when you wanted to change the world? Our guest is going to be a lot of fun. His name is Scott Carson and he’s the CEO of You’re probably thinking, “Juliet, where are you going with this?” We’re going to have a great discussion about online programs. Scott is the host of the popular Note Closers Show Podcast. He’s been an active real estate investor and entrepreneur since 2002. He’s focused on the niche of distressed mortgages and notes since the industry crashed in 2008. He’s helped create and educate thousands of other successful note investors who closed on thousands of deals for their portfolio through his different educational programs.

If he was doing this in 2008, he was probably the only person out there making money besides me who was taking your home away and selling it to someone else. He is a highly sought-after speaker and podcast guest on the distressed debt marketing and entrepreneurship and raising private capital with speaking appearances at the National Association of Realtors Convention, NoteWorthy Convention, Podfest Multimedia Expo and National REIA Cruise along with many other real estate investing clubs and groups across the country. He’s also been featured in Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal and He’s an avid sports fan. He also spends his free time attending sporting events, concerts, and traveling to new places. Welcome, Scott. I have a little surprise for you.

I’m hoping I’m not going to be scared.

I was on Scott’s show and he was talking about the prize pigs. Those are the people that run up after the radio show and they want the prizes. I was super disappointed that we talked about prize pigs and no pig. I tried desperately to go out and get you a snorting pig, but I failed. I have something better that I’m bringing to you in Orlando. Tell us a little bit about your niche.

Our niche is small. It’s in the distress debt side. Most people ask me, “What is a distressed debt?” If you’ve ever had a mortgage and gotten the letter and it was sold to somebody else, that’s what we do. We buy and sell distressed debt, predominantly people who have not paid in their mortgage for the last 6, 12, 24-plus months. We buy that debt at substantial discounts and then instead of foreclosing on the borrower, we tried to rehab the borrower. We try to keep them at home. Unfortunately, we do have to foreclose about half the time because the borrowers won’t work with us.

I’ve been doing this for over a decade in this specific niche back when everything hit the fence. It’s been an interesting and wild ride. One of the things that we’ve done since we’re dealing with so many different markets, we don’t see a lot of stuff here because the market’s strong. I buy a lot in about 30 different states across the country. I wanted to find a way that I could connect with more investors in different areas, teaching and sharing the deals that we do. We have moved from doing the hotel-style events to going to 100% online virtual events and done nothing but pay off big time for us.

I know hardly anybody does those big events anymore. I know a couple of people who do the Airbnb styles for weekend intensive stuff. Everybody out there is trying to do the online program and some people are doing it well. Some people are still trying to do the “cash machine.” Can we talk about that?

What avenue of the cash machine, about trying to drive butts in the seats or the aspect of trying to develop a program with a big $30,000, $25,000 training program attached to it? We could go to a couple of ways that you want to go to.

For the people who actually think that you don’t have to build a relationship, that email was a relationship and I’m going to do a webinar. I’m going to drive this traffic and I’m going to sell a $25,000 $5,000, $10,000 ticket item and nobody will ever have to talk to me.

That doesn’t work. We do have an advanced coaching program of $15,000 for what we do. It does come all down to develop our relationships. That’s one of the biggest things while we have our workshop that we do three to four times a year online and we’ll have 100 to 200 people that attend remotely. It takes a lot in between those three to four months of providing content. I used to travel 45, 50 weeks out of the year to different events and I was getting sick and not enjoying life anymore. That’s why we started doing online stuff but we have to realize, if you’re not going to be meeting somebody in person, shaking their hand either at a networking event or a meet up group or at another conference, you’ve got to be yourself online. Be there to answer questions and build the relationship a little bit differently versus “Buy my stuff, I’m awesome,” and run to the back of the room. It did take us a little while of understanding that we have to dive in and get to know those attending.

That’s what I love so much about what you do. When you called me, I was like, “I love it.” That’s one of the biggest things that we do. If you don’t have the time to talk with that person one-on-one between breaks or throughout a three-day workshop around the hotel, you’ve got to take the time to dive into it and try to figure out what they’re doing, to begin with. Most people believe that when that event is done on a Saturday or Sunday evening, you’re done. That’s only halfway point for us. A lot of us is in the data collection on the front end, seeing what happened during the two, three or four days.

PRP 60 | Marketing Strategies For Notes
Marketing Strategies For Notes: You’ve got to be yourself online, be there to answer questions, and build the relationship a little bit differently.


Following up is where the money is made if you want to talk with people and then sell them to the coach. What we’ve always found is that if you’re providing good content, somewhere between a $100 or $200 average a day cost for a workshop is pretty good. If it’s an intro thing, you’re going to be hit hard to have people sign up for something more than $97 for the most part is what we’ve seen. For that $97, maybe for a tease or half-day, one day, maybe a couple of hour webinar that feeds them into a three-day workshop. We’re charging anywhere from a $399 and $997 for some training program that includes a ticket to the live workshop and then it’s all about the follow-up at the end.

Virtual events have obviously helped your business and I do get that about you’re on the road, you’re not getting your exercise and you’re eating bad food. For some people, they’re drinking a lot.

For three years, I lived like a rock star and the extra weight I put on was sponsored by Ribeyes and Crown Royal.

If you cut it down to the Crown Royal, you wouldn’t have gained the weight.

Yes, as much as I drank it.

First of all, life on the road gets old fast. I knew that when I traveled in advertising and when I first got into this business I did it again. The other part of that is you’re at events with a bunch of broke people.

I say this respectfully. I know people starting off by speaking and going into places and you should take different things. Once you get to the point, that was a big thing that I had to make too to value my time. As I got better at what I do, I had more and more people wanting me to come speak. I had to value my time. Especially I travel out to some place. I want to make sure it’s going to a place where the actual attendees have some investment in the event. This is why we talked about prize pigs. If you do a free event, a lot of people will show or register for it, but you only have about 40% to 50% of people that show up. If they didn’t pay anything to get there, there’s no incentive for you. No matter how good your stuff is, they may not have any money to buy anything.

One of the big things I try to do like a REIA club wants me to come out and speak or do a webinar. Is there a monthly cost? Is there a monthly membership that these people are paying? I don’t care if it’s $100 or $20. It’s something that they’ve got invested in the event. If you start looking at my sales or your sales will do a lot better when you’re going to an event that somebody paid for versus a free event. It’s not saying you might get some sales at a free event if you have a lower prep cost thing. Most people would want to do a high-priced offering. What I mean by high-priced $2,000 or more is what we usually say to make it worth your time because it takes money to fly, travel, print and speak.

Free has no value no matter what you do. At some point, you have to start valuing your time and start being specific. I had a guy get mad on the phone with me. He wanted me to come to Baltimore and speak at his REIA club that I spoke. I always stopped charging. I’m like, “I’m sorry I can’t come.” He’s like, “What do you mean?” I’m like, “You don’t charge anymore. You’re getting these bigger crowds. Is that people in there that are doing anything?” Those are the people that we want to talk to. Most of those people that are doing something, they value their time and they’re going to invest either in their education by becoming a member or signing up for training program if that’s something that you want to do.

There’s a paid speaking organization where people are going out and they’re getting paid and not getting leads. We found another organization where those people are paying for sponsorships to talk. Those are actually more our audience because they want to know that they’re going to get ROI on that money. It’s important in that sense. What are some of the things that you do to connect with your audience?

Most people who are doing something value their time and invest in their education or sign up for a training program. Share on X

One of the things that I connect is I provide a lot of content. I think I’ve got more online videos and more online webinars. We celebrated our 500th podcast episode. One of the things that we hear religiously is people like, “Scott, I’ve been following you for six months.” One lady was nice. She’s like, “You’re the only white man I let in my bedroom at night.” That’s the thing. Everybody’s in the media business. You have to provide. One of my peers in my niche of real estate and he’s been around for three-plus decades. He goes, “Scott, your generation is in the giving. My generation is not in the given of information.” I said, “We are in the Google information phase. You’ve got to evolve or you’re going to die figuratively.” With the help of YouTube and media, you got to realize, you can’t charge for everything. You got to give some goodies of people, value your time. You want to give them some stuff.

My friend, Roland Frasier, who’s an amazing marketer, he’s one of the guys behind Traffic and Conversion Summit. He always taught me you want to try to make your training program the all-you-can-eat buffet where it’s got your training and maybe it’s a live event and also some coaching calls. That’s what the true value is. People take your class, they’re going to test you out for that. If they like you and trust you and then your class is in line with what you’ve provided online, then those that are serious, the 5% to 10% who are serious, they’ll look at having that conversation about a deeper relationship. If anybody wants to call me, I give everybody 30 minutes and pick my brain for 30 minutes.

People appreciate that and I’m straight forward. I’m like, “I don’t think this is the right thing for you. Maybe you need to go do this.” or “Save your money. I don’t need you to sign up for a training program yet. Go watch this video series first and then come back.” If somebody goes to my website and they opt-in to learn more about our training or our mastermind, it alerts me. The first thing I do is low tech. I do a quick little one-minute video holding my phone and do a selfie video. “Great to meet you, Juliet. I see that you live in Southern California. I hope the weather’s nice out there. Use the LinkedIn below and the text to connect, let’s talk for 30 minutes and see if I can help you hit your goals.”

Are you doing that on BombBomb?

No, I’m straight-up doing it on my phone. I should probably use BombBomb but it’s a simple text message straight to them. As long as the video is a minute or less, it’s easily texted through. Then I can see it’s delivered and then we’re getting a 50% opt-in into the Calendly links from doing that. I’m getting a 90% close ratio when people opt-in and I get on the phone with them. They either signing up for one of our training or signing up and becoming a mastermind member at $15,000.

I’m going to share something that I think it’s cool that Scott and I both do that every marketer out there will tell you, “No,” is we’re getting phone numbers. If you won’t give us your phone number, you are not serious enough to work with us. For years lead magnets, all that stuff, marketers said no. Even the exchange of information is that eBook or that video for an email address. Nobody’s opening email. I love that you’re actually texting them and giving them that personal intro. You don’t have to buy BombBomb to do it. You’re just doing it.

We get a couple opt-ins a day off of it and it’s one of the things I do before I go home. I’m like, “Who opted-in?” I can do it on the road too. I’ve done it from the back of a taxi cab or sitting in the airport, “I saw that you opted-in. I wanted to send you a quick message. I’m traveling here. I would love to visit with you.” I use Calendly as my schedule so they can pick a time that works best for them and for me both. Many people are like, “I can’t believe you took the time to send me a personalized video or text.” I’m like, “Yes, why wouldn’t I?” If you’re going to take the time and want to learn, I’m glad to have that personal connection with them.

I went to brunch with somebody who’s in the real estate world who uses that as well. Not what you’re doing but he uses BombBomb. He says, “The open rate on it is unbelievable compared to normal email.” People are shocked because they’re literally reading your email. You get a notification and he’s got the phone out calling you and they’re, “I was reading your email.” The technology does that. They don’t even realize it half of the time.

They don’t but the beautiful thing is it’s inexpensive. That’s a pretty low-cost thing. Most people are like, “Let’s build a huge email list.” A lot of people have started creating personalized emails for their spam and junk folders. I see it all the time like Scott Carson emails or JunkFolder@. Opt-in rates in the real estate industry, we see somewhere between an 18% and 20% ratio. That number decreases as your list grows. We’ve incorporated in collecting people’s phone numbers so that we can send them a message even if they don’t opt-in. First name, email and you’ve got to get that cell phone number because that’s where people are spending most of their time in.

Text messages are read 85% of the time in the first two minutes they’re sent. You can have clickable links in there whether you’re using like FixYourFunnel. I use It’s also a great thing too, if you’re speaking from stage, especially if you get your stuff on your PowerPoints that you’re providing, a lot of people try to pull their phone out. The first slide I put up there is like, “If you’d want to get my slides, I want you to learn. Instead of worry about taking a photo, just text Notes and send it to 2000 and you’ll get a link with my slides for free and 80 hours of webinars that I’ve done so you can watch and learn more.” About 25% to 30% of the audience will opt-in to that anywhere I’m speaking at.

I shared with you. You have to take the assessment to get the free gifts. We have a pretty high rate. I don’t know if they like us or they just want that free gift, but they’re motivated.

PRP 60 | Marketing Strategies For Notes
Marketing Strategies For Notes: Text messages are read 85% of the time in the first two minutes they are sent.


If they’re motivated, that separates them from the prize pig because they’ve got some commitment there. If they have no commitment, you don’t want to deal with people that don’t have commitments.

What’s the one unique thing in your marketing that separates you from your peers. You have more than one. You’ve shown me some incredibly effective things.

This goes against some of the things, we’ve been doing webinars since 2011. We do a webinar Monday night. We probably do 40 to 50 a year. We’ve done that. We’ve cut down because we’re still doing on the first Monday night and then we do coaching calls with some of our membership students.

I want to point out that this is a different webinar every time. It’s not the same one over and over.

It’s a different live webinar and it’s got to the point that we have coined a Monday night Note Night in America. It looks like football night or hockey night or baseball night. It took off. We’ll get 200 to 500 people RSVP. We see about a 60% attendee ratio. We also get a couple of hundred views the following day, ones to the replay. Doing those webinars and providing content. If we’re doing four webinars in a month, here’s the breakdown, we only allow one of them to be some sales video. We’re offering a class or workshop that can only be once a month because I don’t want to pitch people to death.

What’s the price point on that? You don’t go out with your $5,000 program.

What works well is somewhere between $397 and $997. That’s the price point we’re offering, or we have a vendor we’re using or something that we know is valuable. We may have another speaker and he’s offering a course. We have an affiliate arrangement with it, but I’m very selective that that’s got to be something I am using or some of my coaching students are using that they’ve given thumbs up on. I don’t cannibalize my list to anybody. I see a lot of marketers that they’ll pimp their list out to anybody and after a while, if it’s not relevant to your audience, they’re going to stop showing up because they don’t want to be pitched to death. We keep that one out of four sales. Sometimes it may be one out of six weeks providing content. We do our podcast three to five episodes a week, so more content for them.

We’ve got a couple of thousand videos across YouTube and Vimeo of content. As people have called me before, “You’re that note guy on the internet.” I’m like, “Yes, I’m that Note guy.” I won’t say I’ve thrown up on the content but we have given them. That leads to those conversations that people call me, “I binged you or I listened to all your episodes I’ve been following you for six months, now I’m ready to do something.” I think that’s the biggest key. We know when somebody comes into our world, it’s three to six months before they’re going to buy something. It’s got to be courting, dancing with them, delivering good stuff to them as best as we can.

That’s important though, the courting because one of the things we find is that people don’t understand their traffic temperature and they’re running cold. What they don’t realize are cold ads on Facebook and trying to close those people with seven emails. I’ve never gone to bed at night and go, “Scott wrote me the best email, me and 72,000 other people. I feel good about it.” It’s not personal and it’s way too soon.

Honestly, I hate long sales letters and there are so many people that do that long thing. I start spinning to it. I’m like, “Get to the bottom, tell me what’s the price.” I don’t want to forward down and keep scrolling. If I’m going to do something like that, I’m like, “Let me film a two to three-minute video.” Maybe one where you had to scroll down two times on the screen. That’s as long as my sales stuff goes. If they’re not interested and aren’t ready, they’re not a fit for them.

Do not make deals with people who have no sense of commitment. Share on X

What’s the biggest problem that you’ve overcome in marketing? I know so many people are having so many problems with marketing.

The biggest problem that we’ve had with marketing, it was a funny thing. When we decided to go from doing live events to doing these virtual things. We were doing six to eight hotel workshop training’s a year and that led to obviously once every two months, we were doing a three-day workshop.

Can I back up there so people understand what you’re saying? You go out, you rent a ballroom or a room in a hotel, you have a food minimum, you have a room minimum, you have a lot of money on the line there.

Usually our cost is somewhere between $6,000 and $12,000 on the front-end right off the bat. $94 for a gallon of Starbucks coffee and 25% surcharge for that.

You can’t BYOB.

No, you’re paying that but you would still BYOB. We had some great events. We’d have six-figure weekends most of the time. It got so old. One thing too, when you start hitting that price point to a lot of people want you to do it all for them versus them doing it themselves. When we start hitting that 20,000 and 25,000 points, those were our biggest trouble children for the most part because they wouldn’t do anything. I’m like, “If you’re wanting to do what I’m doing, you’ve got to do the A, B, C, and D. You’ve got homework that I’m trying to coach you through.” They wouldn’t do it and I said, “We drop it to 15,000.” We were going to put on an event in Houston, Texas where it’s called Build Your Legacy Summit, Real Estate and Asset Protection. We are going to have Aaron Young come speak on asset protection, Laughlin Associates, George Antone on assets. Me on real estate and a few others. We dropped 15,000 postcards through Harris County, Houston, Texas. We’ve got $30,000 AV budget because this would be a big thing. We’re expecting 300 to 500 people and we sold seven tickets.

We’re getting the week before and I’m stressed, I’m feeling horrible because I’m running different places and people aren’t signing up or not seeing it. I had to run a $15,000 check to get us out of the contract. I had to reschedule to a different event and said, “We’ll move that room block to this new event we’re doing.” It was not fun. I remember how stressed I was. It was probably the closest I felt to having a heart attack. It’s like, “We just bombed.” I called all the speakers, “We don’t have anybody come in. Nobody signed up. Stay home.” They were all, “No problem.” I’m like, “Can I make it up for you? Can I have you on one of my webinars?” It was like, “Yes, we saw your webinars all the time. We’re glad to be on your webinar.” I was driving to Dallas with my girlfriend, Stephanie, and we’re talking about this big failure. She’s like, “Why don’t we do an online event? You do webinars every Monday night. The crowd is used to that.” It’s like, “I don’t know. Let’s give it a try.”

That was the biggest thing as I had my sales staff, I had everybody else say “This is going to bomb.” We’ll try it once. We did it. We canceled one hotel event and said, “We’re going to use virtual online.” We had 79 people show up out of 150 people for the three-day online event and our overhead went away. We didn’t have $12,000 overhead. Our sales were just as good for the event and we get all the replays immediately on that Monday. Our sales after the event were even greater because people could watch what they missed if they had to step away. That was the biggest hurdle. Once we saw that and tweaked it a little bit, we canceled the remaining three hotel events we had left for that year and went straight to just doing online. That was years ago, when nobody was doing virtual events. People are like, “That’s not going to work.” They were amazed because they’re like, “This works.” We often had speakers that were speaking at our event who were actually at another event to speak at and their sales on our events were better, more effective. More people show up to the virtual event than they had at somebody else’s event.

That doesn’t surprise me. One of the things I loved about Aaron Young’s Magnify Your Wealth is he laid his pitch out, “This is what you get. If it’s for you, great. If it’s not, that’s okay too.” There was no escalating. If you don’t run to the back of the room. I had grown so tired of those things. I went back and I talked to Megan and I was like, “I never buy at the event. Is this price still available a month from now?” She’s like, “Yes.” It was so low key. I felt good about joining. There are so many good self-promoters out there who are horrible at delivery. They got you in, they got your money, they could care less if you get through your program. They just don’t care. I felt like the way they presented that they would care if I didn’t get anything out of their program.

Aaron would take it personally. Aaron is a great guy. Laughlin is a sponsor of our podcast. I’ve known Aaron for a few years. One of the guys I turned to like a brother and Michelle’s the same way. That’s the beautiful thing. When you find good people and you surround yourself with good people, more good people come in. You get that feeling at Magnify Your Wealth with Aaron and Megan and the whole crew over there at Laughlin. I’ve had beat Aaron in the head a little bit because I think he’s program’s worth more. I was like, “Aaron, you only got six spots left? Can I go ahead and buy those six spots and then I sell them at $10,000?”

I also love too that I talked to him about adding the assessment on and he doesn’t want it to grow. He loves the size that it’s at. There aren’t many people out there who can say that. He would love The Unshackled Owner to grow but not the inner circle, which I like. I’ve gotten a lot of value out of it.

PRP 60 | Marketing Strategies For Notes
Marketing Strategies For Notes: If you want to add value and make some difference in people’s lives, you got to be there and be genuine about it.


There’s some magic to that number whether 70, 80 people, somewhere in there, maybe not quite that many. Maybe if you add in some of the mentors, you’d have that. It’s a good group, a very friendly, warm, and then people help each other out. You want to build a community. He’s built a community. That’s one of the things he’s done because he gives content, he shows up. He’s present when he shows on events. Not all speakers are present. Someone likes to hideout in the back or only show up for an hour. You can’t do that.

I have a story about that. I was actually at an event in Pennsylvania where the woman on stage told us not to approach her when she got off stage because she needed to communicate with the universe. It’s basically don’t talk to her, which I thought was hilarious. She also got on stage and said she didn’t have an agenda. She was going to let the universe download it, which I was dying laughing because I’ve been on the backside of these events and that was complete and blank. I was in a coaching program, not as a student, but the behind the scenes where our guy came off the stage and he said, “Get these people away from me.” We got in the lunchroom and I had prepared the offer and he was like, “Juliet, can we get that offer yet?” I’m like, “No.” He wasn’t anywhere near the point where he could have done it.

If somebody doesn’t want to talk to you after they speak to answer questions, you think they’re going to be on the phone or via email. We all put our pants on one leg at a time and we all start somewhere new. I think you’ve got to keep that in mind is everybody starts somewhere. You’re not God’s gift to people at an event because you’ve been around for two, three years. If you want to add value and then make some difference in people’s lives, people can smell that and see it a mile away. You got to be there and be genuine about it. I was at an event and he’s trying to do two things in one room and he got up and said, “Get out of here.” It’s about 100 people. It’s two-thirds of your audience because you can’t control your emotions.

Do you have anything you’d like to give away or how do we get ahold of you if we want to know more?

I’ve done a lot of podcasting and marketing events and it’s always geared towards the brand new or getting your podcast started or launched. We all got to start somewhere, but I’m always looking for peers that are doing it that I can learn more from and hone my craft. We decided to put together this intimate event with a few people. What’s working best for you? What’s not working? How can we learn from each other and walk away with it? No pitches. It’s literally two days of roundtable discussions. We’ll probably do it again here in Austin and one in California at some point.

I wanted people to know what it was about and quite frankly I didn’t know about International Podcast Day. I was intrigued because I haven’t been to Disney World in a year.

You’re going to love it because what we did and how we booked it and why we booked it at Disney is Stephanie is a huge Disney fan. That Monday night is the last night that Epcot is doing their Illuminations Fireworks Show. She was able to book a private dessert party spot outside of France. We’ve got red carpet and we’ve got it booked. We’ll probably have 70 and 80 people at that thing. We’ll have probably around 25 to 30 people coming to the podcast and then maybe some people that are attended. If we have ten people show up, it’s going to be valuable. We know we’ve got more than that coming. It’s a great thing to bring people together that are like-minded and are serious about it. They’re not asking, “How do I upload a podcast? How do I help monetize this? What is working in your world to grow your audience?”

I love the size of it because I have grown weary of those big events. I don’t get anything from them. I like anything that’s under 100 people, which probably doesn’t thrill the guys who throw the big events. You don’t meet the people you’re supposed to meet. You don’t have time to build relationships. Where do we find you if we want that 30 minutes with you or we want to show up to your Monday night event?

You can go to It is the main website. There’s an opportunity to click there or register. There’s a link into our Monday Night webinars and then a link to schedule 30 minutes with me. You can always email me too at I do check my own email.

Even if you’re not interested in notes or real estate, watch what Scott’s doing. He’s a heck of a marketer. I was asking him about some things because I see things in the marketplace that aren’t working and I don’t want to go there. Trying to find out what the most cutting-edge thing is. Thank you, Scott. I appreciate it so much.

Thank you so much. I’m so honored, guys and gals. You’ve got to love what Juliet’s doing. Let’s do her a favor. We all love it. Go over in on iTunes and hit subscribe and leave a review. It’s our way of saying that you’re doing the right thing.


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About Scott Carson

PRP 60 | Marketing Strategies For NotesScott Carson is the CEO of, (an Austin, Texas-based real estate firm) and the host of the popular Note Closers Show Podcast. He has been an active real estate investor and entrepreneur since 2002, focused on the niche of distressed mortgage and note industry since 2008. He has helped to create and educate thousands of other successful note investors who have closed on thousands of deals for their own portfolios through his different educational programs.

He is a highly sought-after speaker and podcast guest on distressed debt, marketing, entrepreneurship and raising private capital with speaking appearances at the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Convention, Noteworthy Convention, Podfest Multimedia Expo, National REIA Cruise along with many other real estate investing clubs and groups across the country. He has also been featured in Investor’s Business Daily, The Wall Street Journal and An avid sports fan and reader, he spends his free time attending sporting events, concerts and traveling to new places.


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Building platforms is one of our strengths! Over 100,000 new books are published every month and you need to stand out. The best way to stand out is to build your platform and bring your own audience to the table for your book and high- ticket programs. 

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Breakthrough Author Magazine is your guide to building influence!

The Author Success Handbook

Do you want readers? That's why you need an author platform. Most new authors assume that if they write it, readers will purchase. Nothing could be further from the truth. Platform building starts early, even before the book writing begins. A platform build is not an overnight, instant gratification proposition, but it is a skill that you can learn. This step-by-step guide will help you do just that.