Day: December 1, 2018

How To Get Free Publicity with Shannon Gronich

How To Get Free Publicity with Shannon Gronich PRP 14 | Free Publicity

  Third party credibility is a great way to accelerate your growth. What every person who has a book and a business needs to know is how to get your own publicity. Author, speaker, and event promoter Shannon Gronich has successfully attained over 3.2 million in free publicity. She’s notorious for being the owner of […]

How To Grow Your Platform with Tracy Hazzard

How To Grow Your Platform with Tracy Hazzard PRP 10 | Grow Your Platform

  How can you keep your platform continually growing? Tracy Hazzard says content is one of those ways that can grow your platform for you. If you set the basic groundwork in place and then you continually feed it with great content that is strategically planned to grow you in the right areas – like […]

What You Need To Know About Brand Mapping with Karen Leland

What You Need To Know About Brand Mapping with Karen Leland PRP 9 | Brand Mapping

  A lot of people think of branding as either the visuals or what we call the brand identity – the logo, the website, the colors, or the fonts. Some think of branding as an elevator pitch, their one or two-sentence thing they say about their brand. Karen Leland, founder of the branding and marketing […]

The Productivity Zone: Working Smarter, Not Harder with Penny Zenker

The Productivity Zone: Working Smarter, Not Harder with Penny Zenker PRP 8 | Productivity Zone

  A big percent of the population gets caught up in the minutia. We’re not being purposeful or conscious of all the choices that we’re making so that we can be productive. Penny Zenker says being in the productivity zone doesn’t just mean doing more. It means working smarter, not harder. Penny is an international […]

What Your Writer’s Block Is Really Telling You with Wendy Darling

What Your Writer’s Block Is Really Telling You with Wendy Darling PRP 7 | Writer's Block

  Writing a book is not only a journey of transformation for the people you’re writing it for. It becomes a transformational vehicle for yourself as well. However, at some point in writing their masterpiece, a lot of authors either get stuck or struggle a little bit. Writer’s block happens for multiple numbers of reasons. […]

Business Sequencing: How It Works with David Gruder

Business Sequencing: How It Works with David Gruder PRP 6 | Sequencing

  A lot of authors, coaches, and speakers start setting up their careers without taking the time to build on their foundational tools. They jump into monetizing without building an audience. Psychological business strategist David Gruder discusses the concept of sequencing in your business and how it works. Sequencing is, in the context of business […]

How To Get A Publishing Deal with Randy Peyser

How To Get A Publishing Deal with Randy Peyser PRP 5 | Publishing Deal

  Literary agents receive over 1,500 manuscripts a year. With publishers, it’s about 10,000 or more a year. If you want to get a publishing deal and more readers, you’ve got to know what publishers and readers buy and how to make your book stand out from the pack. Publishing coach Randy Peyser pitches books […]

Bringing A Product To Market Through Amazon with Brenda Crimi

Bringing A Product To Market Through Amazon with Brenda Crimi PRP 18 | Bringing A Product To Market

  Amazon is a fun place to play and make money if you know how to utilize the platform. Amazon expert Brenda Crimi keeps her pulse on the things that are going on within Amazon. With their company, AMZ Alliance, they help product owners and renters take their products and bring them to market through […]

Strategies For Getting Unstuck with Dawn Meyer

Strategies For Getting Unstuck with Dawn Meyer PRP 17 | Getting Unstuck

  We create patterns and systems in our life. Getting unstuck is all about letting go of those patterns. When we can start breaking that pattern and letting go of those autopilot settings, then you can start getting into what you would like to be happening in your life. Former NASA rocket scientist Dawn Meyer […]

Traditional Publishing Versus Self-Publishing with Randy Peyser

Traditional Publishing Versus Self-Publishing with Randy Peyser PRP 4 | Traditional Publishing

  We all know that traditional publishing has a little bit more oomph behind the credibility than going through a self-publishing company. Randy Peyser, CEO of Author One Stop, works with authors who want to get their books published traditionally. Randy is a publishing coach who pitches books to agents in publishing after her company […]